The Star Malaysia

Young lovers find ‘functional’ bouquets more meaningful


The beauty of artificial flowers is taking centre stage this Valentine’s Day, as modern couples and youngsters opt for the more lasting gift for their special someone.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it is more than flowers and jewellery that youngsters go for.

Flower shop owner Vivian Lim, who makes and sells special cotton flowers, rose soap bouquets and giant single rose bouquets, said modern couples are all about practicali­ty.

“Although real flowers like red roses are still in demand, more and more people are going for artificial flowers.

“This is because for the price they would have to pay for real flowers, they would prefer to go for items made with artificial flowers, which can be stored or used.

“So in the past few years, everlastin­g flower bouquets and boxes are in greater demand as they can be stored indefinite­ly.

“This way, their special ones have something to keep later on,” she said at her shop in Burmah Road yesterday.

Lim said at her shop, the giant single rose bouquet and special cotton flowers are among the bestseller­s this season.

“In Penang, I think I am the only one making the giant single rose bouquet, as the entire bouquet is made up of a single artificial rose with real baby breath flowers.

“The single rose bouquet measures 20cm wide and 56cm long.

“I thought instead of an entire bouquet of roses, people can gift a single huge rose as it is unique and the rose can be stored as decoration after Valentine’s Day.

“The cotton flower boxes and bouquets are also eye-catching as the pastel coloured flowers look very delicate due to the nature of cotton,” she said.

She added that the functional rose soap bouquet was also a favourite for gifting.

“With flower soap bouquet, it is not simply pretty but also usable as fragrant soap.

“So every year, there is a certain demand for functional bouquets like these,” she said.

This way, their special ones have something to keep later on.

Vivian Lim

 ??  ?? Love gift: Lim preparing cotton flower frames and boxes prepared for the upcoming Valentine’s day at arcadia Florist in George Town.
Love gift: Lim preparing cotton flower frames and boxes prepared for the upcoming Valentine’s day at arcadia Florist in George Town.

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