The Star Malaysia

Johor Ruler: Ramadan bazaar can wait


Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has urged the authoritie­s not to hold the Ramadan bazaar in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Johor Ruler said as new cases were being detected on a daily basis, it was not the time to hold any event involving mass gathering.

“The complete effect of the movement control order must be achieved first and this must be our priority and concern.

“The Ramadan bazaar can wait,” His Majesty said in a statement on his official Facebook page yesterday. Sultan Ibrahim added that the rakyat must be patient, stay at home and avoid any contact with others until the Health authoritie­s gave the all-clear sign.

“If we ignore the movement control order the virus will spread and further strain the resources of our healthcare system, putting our healthcare workers and other frontliner­s at even greater risk.

“If we reach (the) breaking point then we will all be helpless,” warned Sultan Ibrahim, adding that the aftermath of such a likelihood would have disastrous consequenc­es on all strata of society and the country as a whole.

“Do not take advantage of the situation and hold any mass gatherings. There should be no excuses.

Everybody must play their part to contain and fight the spread of this deadly disease.

“The faster we all cooperate, the sooner we can return to normalcy,” His Majesty stressed.

Sultan Ibrahim also said now was the time for all to unite and help the government combat the pandemic.

“Forget about politics, please let us work together to save our country from this crisis.”

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