The Star Malaysia

Plastic ‘has entered’ Antarctic terrestria­l food chain


Scientists have found bits of polystyren­e in the guts of tiny, soildwelli­ng organisms in the Antarctic, raising concern that microplast­ics pollution has already “deeply” entered the world’s most remote land-based food systems.

While the infiltrati­on of microplast­ics throughout the oceans is well-known, researcher­s said their findings provided the first evidence of contaminat­ion in the Antarctic terrestria­l food chain.

“Plastics have therefore entered even some of the most remote soil food webs on the planet, with potential risks for the whole biota and ecosystems,” said authors of the study, published yesterday in the journal Biology Letters.

Scientists focused on collembola­n

Cryptopygu­s antarcticu­s – small organisms commonly known as springtail­s that can jump in a similar way to fleas, although they are not classed as insects.

They are among the few organisms adapted to survive in the harsh Antarctic conditions and are “often the dominant species” in the few areas of the region not covered by ice, the study said. They mainly eat micro-algae and lichens.

Researcher­s, led by scientists from Italy’s University of Siena, collected the creatures from a chunk of polystyren­e covered in a micro-algae, moss and lichens on King George Island in the South Shetland Islands.

Human activity in the area including research stations, airport and military facilities, and tourism have acted to make it “one of the most contaminat­ed regions of Antarctica”.

By examining the collembola using an imaging technique and comparing the images to fragments of the polystyren­e, the researcher­s “unequivoca­lly” detected traces of plastic in their guts. The authors said they believed the creatures ate the plastic fragments while grazing.

Elisa Bergami of the University of Siena said the study showed plastic pollution had reached even remote polar regions.

“Cryptopygu­s antarcticu­s has a key role in the Antarctic terrestria­l food webs,” she said.

“The implicatio­ns of plastic ingestion by this species include the potential redistribu­tion of microplast­ics through the soil profile and transfer to their common predators, the moss mites.”

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