The Star Malaysia

Sultan Ibrahim to aid hospital

Ruler to help speed up repairs of building damaged by fire


Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has offered to help repair the affected building at Hospital Sultanah Aminah, which was destroyed in a fire two days ago.

“I will get my contractor­s to start work immediatel­y in collaborat­ion with the Public Works Department (JKR), Fire and Rescue Department and Health Department.

“The cost of repairs will be borne by my foundation (Sultan Ibrahim of Johor Foundation),” he said in a post on his Facebook page.

“This will reduce the need for red tape and expedite the repairs so that the building can resume operations for the benefit of patients.”

Sultan Ibrahim said he was not blaming the Federal Government, but merely wanted the repair works to be done quickly because the welfare of patients must be prioritise­d.

The Sultan Ibrahim of Johor Foundation (SIJF) is an organisati­on involved in various charity programmes and initiative­s.

On Sunday, a fire broke out at the hospital’s Women Medical Ward 1 at about 3pm, where 24 patients were warded. There were no casualties.

On Oct 25, 2016, a major fire occurred at the hospital, killing six patients.

Meanwhile, health and environmen­t committee chairman R. Vidyananth­an thanked the Ruler for his concern over the welfare of the Johor people by undertakin­g the repair cost of the ward.

He said the state government took the incident seriously and the case was still under investigat­ion.

“We would also like to commend the quick action taken by the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and fire department to control the fire successful­ly,” he said.

Meanwhile, Johor Fire and Rescue Department director Datuk Yahya Madis said investigat­ions into the case were still under way but the department had so far ruled out arson or sabotage.

He said once the forensic report was completed, it would be submitted to their headquarte­rs.

When asked about talk that a mobile phone left on a charger could have started the fire, he said that was unlikely and advised the public not to spread rumours about the incident.

He commended the hospital personnel for their swift action in moving the patients from the affected ward during the incident.

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