The Star Malaysia

Get ready to be counted in nationwide census


KUALA LUMPUR: It is three days to the 2020 Population and Housing Census of Malaysia (Census 2020) taking and the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has urged all residents in Malaysia to cooperate in the large-scale effort for the benefit of the country.

DOSM chief statistici­an Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin said the census taking will cover nine million residences and involve about 32.7 million people.

“Whatever informatio­n that is contribute­d is for the benefit of all – the country, society and families.”

Population census in Malaysia is undertaken once every 10 years and Census 2020 will be the sixth such exercise conducted in the country. The findings will be used as a key source in preparing national developmen­t plans.

The upcoming census, themed “Your Data Our Future”, will adopt the “de jure” approach where the informatio­n gathered will be based on the regular dwelling quarters of residents.

Uzir, who is also the sixth census commission­er, said that following the challenges faced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the movement control order, adjustment­s have been made to gather the informatio­n.

The census taking will be carried out in two phases, he noted.

The first phase will be through e-Census from July 7 to Sept 30.

The respondent­s will fill in the informatio­n online through a secure census portal and after registrati­on, respondent­s will be given an ID address.

The second phase will be carried out from Oct 7 to 24 where DOSM staff will go to homes of those who did not or could not participat­e in the e-Census.

Uzir said DOSM had initially planned to carry out the census online and house visits simultaneo­usly within two weeks but following the Covid-19 pandemic, DOSM changed the approach to conducting the census in two phases.

In order to ensure the census is carried out in a comprehens­ive and orderly manner, an early census had been carried out from April involving several identified institutio­ns, he said.

Census 2020 will involve 115,000 enumerator­s. Malaysia is among the 54 countries that will carry out the census this year.

For further informatio­n about Census 2020 and to fill in the e-Census on July 7, visit www.mycensus. or call the helpdesk at 1-800887-720.

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