The Star Malaysia

More than 160 dead in Myanmar jade mine landslide


THE battered bodies of more than 160 jade miners were pulled from a sea of mud after a landslide in northern Myanmar, after one of the worst-ever accidents to hit the treacherou­s mining industry.

Scores die each year while working in the country’s lucrative but poorly regulated jade trade, which uses low-paid migrant workers to scrape out a gem highly coveted in China.

The disaster struck after heavy rainfall pounded the open-cast mines, close to the Chinese border in Kachin state, where billions of dollars of jade is believed to be scoured each year from bare hillsides.

A slice of mountain collapsed, sending a churning torrent of mud into an aquamarine-coloured lake of mine waste water as workers scampered uphill.

“There are so many people floating in the water,” said a bystander.

Dozens “were smothered by a wave of mud”, the Myanmar Fire Services Department said in a Facebook post.

Rescue workers, including the fire department and local police, worked throughout the day to pull bodies out of a mud lake under a continuous deluge of heavy monsoon rain.

“By 7.15pm, 162 bodies were found,” said the department, adding that 54 people were injured and sent to nearby hospitals.

Mud-slaked and bloodied bodies of miners were laid out in grim rows under tarpaulins, some missing shoes as a result of the force of the wall of mud which hit them.

A woman grieved over the recovered victims, as rescue workers held her up.

Working through a torrent of heavy rain was a challenge, police superinten­dent Than Win Aung said, as it could spark another mine collapse on the unstable terrain.

“We can’t dig and find the bodies buried underwater... so we are just picking up the dead bodies that float,” he said, adding that rescue

efforts will be further hampered as night falls.

The workers were scavenging for gemstones on the sharp mountainou­s terrain in Hpakant township, where furrows from earlier excavation­s had already loosened the earth. The victims had apparently defied a warning not to work the mines during the monsoon rains, local police said.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was “deeply saddened” by the deaths and said his organisati­on was ready to help those affected, a spokesman said.

Myanmar is one of the world’s biggest sources of jadeite and the industry is largely driven by insatiable demand for the translucen­t green gem from neighbouri­ng China.

The mines are mired in secrecy, although environmen­tal watchdog Global Witness alleges operators are linked to former junta figures, the military elite and their cronies.

It said the landslide should serve as a “wake-up call” for Myanmar’s government led by Aung San Suu Kyi – whose party vowed to reform and stamp out corruption. —

 ??  ?? Grim task: a small boat with people onboard approachin­g an area where bodies are recovered, in Hpakant, Kachin State, Myanmar. —aP
Grim task: a small boat with people onboard approachin­g an area where bodies are recovered, in Hpakant, Kachin State, Myanmar. —aP

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