The Star Malaysia

Benefits of being short

While men of less than average height might generally feel disadvanta­ged in life, there are some upsides to being dimunitive.


DEAR Healthy Men: I’m only five foot seven (170cm), and over my whole adult life, I feel that it’s been harder for me to date than for my friends who are taller than I am. And lately I’ve started to wonder whether there are any other issues, health included, that might affect short men more than taller guys.

Nature – actually human nature – seems to have a soft spot for tall men.

Given a choice between two equally qualified job applicants, hiring managers will typically go for the taller (six foot or 183cm and over) one.

On payday, taller employees get a fatter envelope.

And when you start talking about romantic encounters with the opposite sex, all you have to do is open your eyes and look around to see that women prefer men who are taller than they are.

(Just in case you need science to back this up, one recent study found that in heterosexu­al couples, the man is taller 92.5% of the time, and by an average of 5.6 inches or 14cm).

Given that, it’s not terribly surprising that researcher­s at Chapman University in California, United States, found that men who are taller than average have as many as three more sex partners over their lifetime than men who are shorter than average.

Since “height is relevant on the mating market”, as the study’s lead author David Frederick put it, it follows that taller men have more children than shorter men.

If you’re shorter than five foot nine (175cm), it might be natural to be a little jealous of all those extra dollars and sex partners that tall men manage to pull in.

But be careful what you wish for: Being tall may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

For example, while having sex with more women might be nice when you’re young, most men eventually want to settle down.

Because they don’t date as much, shorter men tend to get married when they’re a few years older than tall men.

But according to a recent study done at New York University, short men – in this case, under five foot seven (170cm) – are 32% less likely to get divorced than average-height men.

They also have sex more often.

Yes, you read that correctly. Short men get lucky more often.

There are, of course, a number of possible explanatio­ns for that, but one likely candidate is that short men do about 50 more minutes of housework per day on average than tall guys.

They don’t call it “choreplay” for nothing. Besides having sex more often, being vertically challenged has a number of interestin­g health benefits.

For example, tall people are more likely to get cancer.

Researcher­s at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute found that for every 10cm (4 inches) of height, cancer risk goes up 10%.

Tall men are also significan­tly more likely to develop blood clots or suffer from heat exhaustion or sun stroke as short men.

And hands down, the biggest benefit to being short is the increased lifespan.

A number of studies have found that on average, the taller the man, the shorter his life.

That rule seems to hold true regardless of the population studied, whether it’s profession­al baseball players, military veterans or country of origin.

Southern Europeans, who tend to be shorter than Northern Europeans (the Dutch are on average, the tallest in the world), have far lower death rates from coronary heart disease and all other causes.

And Okinawans in Japan, who are among the shortest people in the world, also have the lowest rates of heart disease and the longest lifespans in the world.

Overall, compared to men six feet tall (183cm) and over, men under five foot seven (170cm) live 4.9 more years, and those under five foot five (165cm) live nearly 7.5 more years. – Tribune News Service

 ?? — AFP ?? The late Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi (left), then 74, who still holds the Guinness World Record for shortest man ever, is seen here with Turkey’s Sultan Kosen, then 32, the current holder of the Guinness record for tallest man living, in London, United Kingdom, on Nov 13, 2014.
— AFP The late Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi (left), then 74, who still holds the Guinness World Record for shortest man ever, is seen here with Turkey’s Sultan Kosen, then 32, the current holder of the Guinness record for tallest man living, in London, United Kingdom, on Nov 13, 2014.

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