The Star Malaysia

Civil Defence Force also serves the country


CIVIL Defence Day was celebrated yesterday across the globe. I would like to call upon all Malaysians to be aware of members of the Malaysian Civil Defence Force who, like all of the other frontliner­s, have answered the call of duty in the nation’s battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

They serve tirelessly at locations such as traffic roadblocks under the scorching heat, aid in disaster management, and are heavily involved in programmes to educate the community on ways to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

They do all this and so much more alongside other uniformed personnel and healthcare frontliner­s without any complaints or grouses. I humbly urge the public to offer them support. It can simply be a word of thanks to the officer on duty at a roadblock or perhaps paying it forward should you get the chance. Please appreciate their sacrifices and don’t take them for granted.

I had an encounter recently that tugged at my heartstrin­gs. A young

Civil Defence corporal in uniform was behind me in the queue to get his food. I informed the restaurant cashier that I would like to pay for his meal. Upon hearing this, the young man immediatel­y protested. I informed him that I was sincere and insisted.

He then thanked me and casually informed me of his duties at a nearby Covid-19 quarantine centre. During the course of our conversati­on I made it known that I too belong to the Civil Defence Force but as an associate officer, at which point he immediatel­y stood at attention and saluted me even though I was not in uniform.

His dutiful actions showed not only his sincerity, dedication and commitment but his true love for the force and Malaysia. I never got his name but I would like him to know that he and all our frontliner­s are truly Malaysia’s finest.


Associate Captain Malaysian Civil Defence Force

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