The Star Malaysia

Newly appointed IGP: I would not be able to do this job if I was alone.


LUMPUR: The nation’s new top cop admitted that being the new Inspector-General of Police (IGP) was a great responsibi­lity but he had a good team to back him up.

“I would not be able to do this job if I was alone,” said newly appointed IGP Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani.

“If I am being honest ... it feels like a huge burden has been placed on my shoulders. I believe that if I am alone I will not be able to handle this responsibi­lity.

“In all the times I have been appointed to a new position, be it as an OCPD or a state police chief, the feelings of doubt will always be in my mind. But I am confident in the lineup of the department directors, state chiefs and OCPDs that are with me to ensure that our duties are fulfilled,” he told a press conference after the handing-over ceremony between himself and outgoing IGP Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador yesterday.

On his vision to maintain the integrity of the police force and to ensure that it is corruption free, Acryl Sani said that he would reveal it in due time.

“Soon. The steps that I would take and my focus for PDRM, I will announce in a special briefing with the media.

“There I will talk about the things we have to look into and where we need to focus on, especially regarding those matters,” he said.

In his speech yesterday, the outgoing IGP said that he was confident in Acryl Sani’s ability to perform as the nation’s newest top cop.

“God willing, with his experience serving in the police force, I am confident that he will carry the trust bestowed onto him with distinctio­n and lead PDRM in facing any challenges that it will face,” Abdul Hamid said.

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