The Star Malaysia

Protesters demand activist’s release with eggs, paint


hUNdredS of Thai protesters hurled red paint, tomatoes and eggs at a Bangkok court, demanding the release of all political detainees, including an activist who was hospitalis­ed after a hunger strike.

The student activist Parit Chiwarak – widely known by his nickname “Penguin” – has been held on remand since being charged in February under Thailand’s strict royal defamation laws. he has been denied bail repeatedly.

he faces more than a dozen charges for his role in protests last year against the government of Premier Prayut Chan-o-cha, which also called for reforms to Thailand’s unassailab­le monarchy.

On Sunday, hundreds of protesters gathered in front of Bangkok’s Criminal Court to demand Penguin’s release – and that of other detained activists involved in the prodemocra­cy movement.

“We are here today to show that there is injustice,” shouted a protest leader.

demonstrat­ors chanted “release the political prisoners” and waved a three-finger salute – a symbol of resistance for the pro-democracy movement.

They sloshed red paint all over the court’s entrance, where they had plastered posters of the judge who protesters believed had denied Penguin’s bail.

Protesters also hurled eggs and tomatoes into the compound as police stood guard with plastic riot shields. By around 6pm, the group dispersed.

Penguin has lost more than 12kg since he began a hunger strike on March 16, and officials transferre­d him to hospital on Friday amid concerns his health was deteriorat­ing.

Student-led demonstrat­ions in Bangkok last year drew tens of thousands at their peak, but the movement has petered out this year amid increasing restrictio­ns on public gatherings due to rising Covid-19 cases.

The movement broke long-held taboos by calling for reforms to the monarchy, in a country where the royal family is considered untouchabl­e and has been treated with reverence for decades.

The king and his family are protected by tough lese majeste laws, which carry prison terms of up to 15 years per charge.

At least 70 activists from the pro-democracy movement are currently facing royal defamation charges in Thailand.

 ??  ?? Eggs-pressing anger: Prodemocra­cy protesters collecting tomatoes and eggs to throw at the police during the anti-government march calling for the release of detained political activists outside the Criminal Court in Bangkok.
Eggs-pressing anger: Prodemocra­cy protesters collecting tomatoes and eggs to throw at the police during the anti-government march calling for the release of detained political activists outside the Criminal Court in Bangkok.

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