The Star Malaysia

Nude scandal MP seen urinating during video conference


OTTAWA: A Canadian MP has stepped down from some of his duties and said he is seeking “assistance” after being caught on camera urinating during a video conference in Parliament, a month after appearing naked in another virtual session.

“While attending House of Commons proceeding­s virtually, in a non-public setting, I urinated without realising I was on camera,” MP William Amos wrote on his Twitter account.

“I am deeply embarrasse­d by my actions and the distress they may have caused anybody who witnessed them,” he added.

“While accidental and not visible to the public, this was completely unacceptab­le, and I apologise unreserved­ly.”

In April, he was caught standing naked between the flags of Canada and Quebec while connected by video to a session in Parliament.

A member of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party, Amos claimed that was an accident.

In the most recent episode, he was caught urinating into a coffee cup, the Conservati­ve opposition said in a statement.

“This is the second time he has been caught exposing himself to his colleagues in the House.

“The House of Commons, virtual or otherwise, must be free of this type of unacceptab­le behaviour,” said Conservati­ve MP Karen Vecchio.

“This is a pattern of behaviour from Mr Amos and it’s now clear that Trudeau’s Liberals failed in their duty to ensure a safe work environmen­t following the first incident,” she said.

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