The Star Malaysia

Malaysian Parliament should reject Aukus


THE Associatio­n for Community and Dialogue (ACID) condemns the United States, the UK and Australia for setting up a trilateral security partnershi­p aimed at confrontin­g China, which will include helping Australia to build nuclear-powered submarines.

ACID is of the view that this hegemonic strategy would place the South China Sea and Indopacifi­c region as a whole into cold war territory, a recipe for nuclear arms race, geopolitic­al proxy wars and a possible all-out war between China and the United States in the future.

The initiative, called Aukus, was announced jointly by US president

Joe Biden and Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison, joined virtually by videoconfe­rence. They presented it as the next critical step in an old alliance.

The Aukus alliance is unjust because it is based on exclusive grouping that tends to dictate the policies in the Indo-pacific which will surely be resisted by countries in the region that value their independen­ce.

Furthermor­e, by bringing in nuclear-powered submarines it reveals a deep-seated contempt for the survival of humanity.

It is disappoint­ing that such an alliance to counter and compete with China does not take into considerat­ion the lessons learn from the Covid-19 pandemic that requires more collaborat­ion among nations to resolve deep-seated structural inequality and injustice in the global system.

There has been a failure among the rich nations and the developing ones to prioritise common human needs related to health care, social economic justice and the preservati­on of the environmen­t. The millions of deaths due to Covid-19 is a testimony of global failure to protect humanity.

It’s time for the Malaysian ruling coalition and Pakatan Harapan take a joint stand in parliament against this exclusive and unjust alliance. Malaysia must make it clear that it not aligned to China or the United States and both these nations should adhere to internatio­nal law and the principle of common good in resolving disputes.

The world does not need a military or economic alliance that tends to be exclusive. We should learn from the tragedies besetting countries in West Asia that allowed global powers to dictate policies in the region.

RONALD BENJAMIN Secretary Associatio­n for Community and Dialogue

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