The Star Malaysia

The climate crisis is not gender neutral

- Comment by BHAGYASHRI DENGLE Plan Internatio­nal is an independen­t developmen­t and humanitari­an organisati­on that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Bhagyashri Dengle is the regional director of Plan Internatio­nal’s Asiapacifi­c hub.

FOLLOWING the conclusion of COP27 – the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – in Egypt on Nov 20, it is important to recognise where some of the most forceful initiative­s for change are coming from.

Throughout the Asia Pacific we have documented how girls are increasing­ly leading local and national climate change movements while galvanisin­g support and rallying and inspiring other girls.

These trends are heartening. Yet research contained in Plan Internatio­nal’s “2022 Asia-pacific Girls Report: Their Fight for the Future” reveals that in many countries climate action by girls is blocked by both policies and by discrimina­tion. For nations keen to meet their Paris Agreement emissions limiting goals, this represents a serious missed opportunit­y.

The climate crisis is not gender neutral. The impacts of climate change in Asia Pacific are hitting girls first and worst, particular­ly in poorer countries and marginalis­ed communitie­s. Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, worsening existing inequaliti­es while threatenin­g their livelihood­s, health, and safety. In many parts of the region, particular­ly poorer countries, women shoulder greater responsibi­lities for securing food, water and fuel.

Disasters are killing more women than men. Indeed, an estimated 90% of those killed in weather-related disasters are female. Extreme heat increases incidences of stillbirth, and climate change is increasing the spread of vector-borne illnesses such as malaria and dengue fever, which are linked to worse maternal and neonatal outcomes.

Climate change is worsening other inequaliti­es among females and males. For instance, girls are often kept out of school to fetch water. As the region experience­s more droughts, girls are having to walk further to find water. Farming is the sector employing the greatest number of women in low- and medium-income countries. During droughts women are compelled to work harder to provide incomes and resources for their families. This puts particular pressure on girls, who have to leave school to fetch water or to help their mothers manage greater burdens.

This partly explains why girls and young women from lower-income countries have shown a strong interest in climate issues. Yet until recently this has been overlooked by policymake­rs. The girls and women of the Asia Pacific are in a strange place. Within many corridors of power, climate youth advocates have taken on new urgency. Yet the official spaces where girls can contribute remains starkly limited.

Many girls and young women are confronted with government­s who regard climate change as a low priority, without any focus on girls and young women as agents of change. The lack of attention blends into society, where a lack of awareness of major climate issues can make young advocates feel isolated and less supported – some even report physical, mental and other forms of abuse due to their social action and civic engagement.

Many government­s and the private sector are excited to display the faces of climate changemake­rs in their publicity as a way of showing they are committed to the next generation. But when girls ask for substantiv­e roles they are often ignored. This kind of “youthwashi­ng” is rampant. Official conference­s are full of older men on podiums extolling the importance of youth and girls voices in climate negotiatio­n processes. Yet girls are almost never invited into those rooms where the policies that will affect them are made.

Still, our study finds that the hypocrisy of regional leaders isn’t dissuading girls from bringing climate science and its urgency to public attention. Quite the opposite. We found that 85% of survey respondent­s indicated that being a girl or a woman motivates them to advocate for climate change and justice. This is all the more remarkable because this action is occurring even as girls and women juggle other duties like school, working, and looking after their families. There is increasing recognitio­n of young female climate agents of change as leaders in their own communitie­s and beyond – almost three-quarters of respondent­s say they feel empowered and supported when working with female leaders and they are happy to reach out to them when they need help.

These challenges to the status quo are occurring in both cyberspace and passionate real-world political engagement­s. As in many parts of the world, social media has become a powerful way to express dissent, to disrupt and to organise.

Girls aren’t going to save the world alone. We all need to work together to save the world. Recognisin­g and doing more to support girls is vital because changes driven by young people have huge potential to disrupt rigid social landscapes and drive the region towards a sustainabl­e future.

But some basic preconditi­ons of success include stopping discrimina­tion, grasping the importance of this topic, recognisin­g the outsized role of girls in advocating for change and creating greater space for girls and women at negotiatin­g tables.

 ?? ?? climate change is worsening gender inequaliti­es – for instance, girls are often kept out of school to fetch water, and as countries experience more droughts, girls are having to walk further to find water. — raw pixel. com
climate change is worsening gender inequaliti­es – for instance, girls are often kept out of school to fetch water, and as countries experience more droughts, girls are having to walk further to find water. — raw pixel. com

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