The Star Malaysia

Eating to protect women’s brains


RESEARCH suggests that a diet of traditiona­l Japanese foods like green tea, seaweed and fish may help prevent brain shrinkage with age.

However, the study reports that this beneficial effect was only found in women!

It’s no secret that Japan – and in particular, Okinawa, which is located in the south of the country – is known for its centenaria­ns.

In fact, the Japanese archipelag­o is home to a large number of seniors who have passed the 100-year mark.

Apart from their state of mind and active lifestyle, their diet is also thought to contribute to their longevity.

Vegetables of all kinds, but also rice, fish and seaweed, are on the menu for these famous centenaria­ns.

But they’re not the only people in Japan following this kind of traditiona­l diet.

And that’s a good thing, because research suggests that these eating habits may help prevent age-associated brain shrinkage, especially in women.

In older people, this kind of brain shrinkage may lead to cognitive decline and dementia.

“Adherence to healthy dietary patterns, with higher consumptio­n of whole grains, seafood, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, soybean products and green tea, potentiall­y confers a protective effect against brain atrophy in middle-aged and older Japanese women, but not in men,” concludes the research published in the Nutrition Journal.

A total of 1,636 Japanese adults aged between 40 and 89 took part in the research, which was supported by Japan’s National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontolog­y and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.

Participan­ts’ diets were monitored for two years, enabling three main types of diet to be determined: the Western diet; a diet based mainly on vegetables, fruit and dairy products; and the traditiona­l Japanese diet.

The study findings suggest that the secret to good cognitive health for women may lie in the consumptio­n of green tea, mushrooms, miso (fermented soybean paste) and other typically Japanese foods.

Women who followed the traditiona­l Japanese diet were found to have less brain shrinkage, compared to those who followed a Western diet.

However, the same was not true for men.

 ?? ?? A traditiona­l Japanese diet appears to reduce brain shrinkage in women, although not in men. — TNS
A traditiona­l Japanese diet appears to reduce brain shrinkage in women, although not in men. — TNS

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