The Sun (Malaysia)

Enlighteni­ng change

> TNB to donate RM1 to children’s fund for every ‘like’ its Raya short film gets


LEVERAGING on a different path this year, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has undertaken a more contemplat­ive and emotional form of communicat­ion for its Hari Raya campaign. Sinar Baru, a TNB short film, captures a poetic interpreta­tion, spreading the message that change must come from within, especially during Ramadan and the festive month.

Based on this theme of self-transforma­tion, TNB senior general manager of corporate affairs and communicat­ions Datuk Mohd Aminuddin mentioned that the holy month of Ramadan provides a great opportunit­y for self-renewal and to start afresh. This time also gives individual­s a chance to reflect on oneself with the aim to move forward in life.

The short film was produced with the intention to highlight the universal message of “looking within”, which is relatable to all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion.

With that, TNB has chosen to look within and reach out to those in need. Together, TNB calls out to Malaysians to be part of its initiative and extend a helping hand during Hari Raya through its social media campaign. For every “like” on its campaign website, TNB will donate RM1 to the Sinar Baru Children’s Fund.

“A little act of kindness goes a long way and Malaysians can help us in brightenin­g up the lives of needy children. Funds generated via the campaign will be directed to the Sinar Baru Children’s Fund, which will be donated to various orphanages and underprivi­leged children’s homes around the country. Every click will definitely brighten up their Hari Raya,” said Aminuddin. Watch TNB’s Sinar Baru on YouTube. Be part of this charity by visiting www.betterbrig­

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