The Sun (Malaysia)

Intensify your cardio workout


CELEBRITY trainer David Kirsch ( above) is well-known for his work with A-list models and actresses such as Heidi Klum, Kate Upton, Liv Tyler, and Anne Hathaway.

In his latest book, Ultimate Family Wellness, Kirsch shares his own story of balancing fatherhood with fitness, and gives his expert advice on how to work out and eat well with the whole family:

Disconnect from gadgets Whether doing your five-minute circuit, or 45 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical machine, instead of looking at your smartphone, tablet or the television, visualise the calories burning, body fat melting, and muscles toning for maximum effect.

Change it up Doing the same 45 minutes on the elliptical is neither productive, nor interestin­g. Our bodies are very clever and need to be tricked by mixing up the routine a little.

One cardio prescripti­on that has worked well for Kirsch’s clients is starting with 2,500 metres on the rowing machine, which should take between 10 and 12 minutes.

Follow this with a one-mile sprint on the treadmill at between 7.5mph and 8mph, then finish with 30 minutes on the elliptical machine.

Kirsch also recommends the Octane lateral, which really blasts the thighs and glutes.

Duration first, intensity second Kirsch says one of the common mistakes people make when starting a cardio programme is going hard and short. Instead, build up stamina and muscle strength first, then up the intensity.

Don’t lose heart Kirsch advises that extended periods of time spent in the cardio room can be as stimulatin­g as watching paint dry.

But the reality is, there’s no getting around it. Young or old, cardiovasc­ular health is vitally important to overall wellness. – AFP

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