The Sun (Malaysia)

Tens of thousands protest India cash ban

> Chief minister warns of ‘riots and epidemics’


NEW DELHI: Tens of thousands of people turned out yesterday for nationwide protests against India’s controvers­ial ban on high-value banknotes, which opposition party organisers say has caused a “financial emergency”.

India is still reeling from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s shock decision nearly three weeks ago to pull 86% of the currency from circulatio­n overnight, triggering a chronic shortage of notes in an economy that operates almost entirely on cash.

Around 25,000 people took to the streets of the eastern city of Kolkata, capital of West Bengal state, whose leftwing Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has warned of “riots and epidemics” if the ban continues.

An estimated 6,000 more turned out to protest in Mumbai, India’s western commercial hub, police said.

But many ordinary Indians say they support the scheme if it forces the rich to pay their taxes by making them bank undeclared income.

Only a handful of states observed a call for a nationwide protest strike.

“We are protesting against the undeclared financial emergency imposed by the government and the hardships people across the country are facing because of this illegal decision,” said Manish Tiwari of the opposition Congress party.

“The decision to demonetise high-value currency was done without any authority and legislatio­n and is clearly illegal.”

Owners of the banned 500 and 1,000 rupee (RM33 and RM65) notes have until the end of the year to deposit them in a bank, and can only directly exchange a small number for new currency.

But authoritie­s have struggled to print enough new notes to meet demand and economists say the ensuing cash crunch will hit growth.

“I do not disagree with the objectives but it is a monumental case of mismanagem­ent,” former prime minister Manmohan Singh told parliament.

“The way demonetisa­tion has been implemente­d, it will hurt agricultur­al growth and all those people working in the informal sector.”

Over 90% of transactio­ns in India are conducted in cash and many of the poorest have no access to banking.

Many have been left without enough cash to buy food or daily essentials, while farmers have been unable to buy seeds and small traders say business has fallen off a cliff. – AFP

 ??  ?? People gather in central Delhi for a protest against the cash ban yesterday.
People gather in central Delhi for a protest against the cash ban yesterday.

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