The Sun (Malaysia)

‘We are loyal to Najib’

> Wanita chief praises president’s leadership


KUALA LUMPUR: Wanita Umno yesterday pledged loyalty to party president Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, calling him the best among previous leaders.

Its chief, Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, said the issues currently surroundin­g Najib, who is prime minister, were merely a political plot engineered by the Opposition to serve its own agenda.

Such issues include the controvers­y surroundin­g the troubled 1Malaysia Developmen­t Berhad (1MDB), she added.

“Najib, as party president and prime minister, is the best leader. I have already served with three presidents and I am confident that he is the best.

“Several issues faced by him today, for example the 1MDB issue, are the Opposition’s political agenda and that of several other individual­s.

“Their political agenda is to bring down the government of Najib. If he was not the prime minister or president, 1MDB would not have become an issue,” she said in her speech at the Wanita Umno annual general meeting at the Putra World Trade Centre.

Shahrizat had served as a Cabinet minister during the tenure of former prime minister and Umno president Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who left the party due to disagreeme­nt with Najib, particular­ly on 1MDB matters.

Mahathir and a few other Umno dissidents have formed their own political party, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, and are working together with the Opposition.

Shahrizat said she was disappoint­ed with Mahathir for bercomolot (Malay slang for kissing) with DAP’s Lim Kit Siang, once his political arch rival.

“It is most saddening to see our former leader in cahoots with the Opposition.”

 ?? BERNAMAPIX ?? Najib is given a rapturous welcome as he arrives for the Wanita Umno assembly.
BERNAMAPIX Najib is given a rapturous welcome as he arrives for the Wanita Umno assembly.
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