The Sun (Malaysia)

Police task force to probe VenusFX


KUALA LUMPUR: A task force of six police officers from the Kuala Lumpur police commercial crimes investigat­ion department (CCID) and Bukit Aman has been set up to investigat­e foreign currency trading company VenusFX and companies linked to it .

KL CCID chief Mohd Luthfi Ismail Abdullah said several reports have been lodged and police will soon compile a list of people to question.

“When the time is right, we will call up the necessary parties,” he told theSun.

He said police are compiling reports against the company nationwide before investigat­ing the matter in detail.

“We don’t want to have a duplicate of investigat­ions in different states, we want all the investigat­ions under one roof,” he said.

theSun yesterday carried a front-page story in which MIC treasurer-general Datuk Seri S. Vell Paari held a press conference in Petaling Jaya with more than 100 of those affected.

He alleged a couple had been name-dropping and claimed they were close to top government leaders and officials in “high places”, including those at the Finance Ministry.

The couple, however, denied cheating the affected investors, calling Vell Paari’s allegation­s “defamatory”.

Mohd Luthfi also advised the public not to fall prey to pyramid and multi-level marketing schemes.

“Make safe investment­s, don’t go for the (get-rich-quick) schemes.

“Anything that is too good is hard to believe. They lure you into making money. These pyramid schemes can only last as long as there are investors.” – by Timothy Achariam

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