The Sun (Malaysia)

Ready, set, crawl

> Channel your inner child with the next hottest and most unusual fitness craze which helps to strengthen your limbs and core


your core and try lifting your knees slightly, hovering them above the ground a few inches, but in the same position.”

Repeat this move forwards, and then backwards, while ensuring your form is correct and your weight is equally distribute­d, and your pelvis is aligned and doesn’t twist.

Once you have the basics down, crawling can easily be incorporat­ed into existing workouts, particular circuit training and HIIT routines.

“I usually have my team at Lululemon performing a series of stair sprints, planks, squats, supermans, and then bear crawls on a circuit-based timer, switching it up every few minutes for a full 30- to 45-minute workout,” says Gray.

Here are some tips to help you try Gray’s crawling workout at home:

Get onto all fours on the floor. Place your hands directly in front of you, below your shoulders. Knees should be resting hipwidth apart.

Press into the floor firmly with both hands and feet, hover your knees an inch off the ground into a ‘table top’ or ‘bear crawl’ position.

Keeping your spine parallel to the floor, and hovering like a hunting cat, move forward with each hand a few inches, following closely with the opposite foot.

Try performing this move backwards, leading with the feet first and following with the hands.

This brings an entirely new approach into play, where you have to think about your awareness and stability.

Pay attention to the surface your perform crawls on and take care of your knees and wrists.

Don’t put all of your body weight in one area, but distribute it evenly over your body and keep your spine neutral.

You can also do this move sidewards, frontwards, backwards – whichever you prefer. – The Independen­t

 ??  ?? (above and right) A seemingly simple exercise such as crawling back and forth can train your muscles and help improve your balance.
(above and right) A seemingly simple exercise such as crawling back and forth can train your muscles and help improve your balance.
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