The Sun (Malaysia)

RM357,000 award for lock-up death


PETALING JAYA: The wife and daughter of lorry driver P. Chandran were awarded RM357,000 after the High Court ruled police were liable for his death in police custody.

The High Court here yesterday ruled that the police were liable for his death in the Dang Wangi district police headquarte­rs lock-up more than four years ago.

Justice S. Nantha Balan, in his judgment, awarded the amount in damages to widow N. Selvi and daughter C. Rita, for negligence and abuse of public office and another RM50,000 as costs.

He also imposed a 5% interest on the award, to be calculated from the day the suit was filed until the judgment sum is settled.

Nantha Balan said there was negligence on the failure of the policemen to send the deceased for treatment, adding that the death was regrettabl­e as it was avoidable.

He said he found the conduct of the police appalling, despite a magistrate giving orders to the officer, Inspector Mahezel Md Noh, to attend to Chandran’s medical needs.

Nantha Balan, in his 86-page written judgment, agreed with then sessions judge Ahmad Bache, who sat as coroner, that Chandran had died needlessly and his death could have been averted had the police performed their duties and responsibi­lities.

“The police had a legal duty under the Police Act and the Police Lock-Up Rules 1953 to care for sick and mentally abnormal persons in their custody and they should have taken steps to intervene and send the deceased to the hospital but it appears that all who had a duty to look after the detainees had abdicated their responsibi­lities and washed their hands off the matter,” the judge said.

It was reported at the inquest that police only became aware that Chandran had died 12 hours after his death in the lock-up.

Chandran, who was 47 then, had died due to hypertensi­ve heart disease due to the police not giving or allowing medicine related to his health.

Nantha Balan was also critical of Inspector Mohd Saidon Shaari, who was tasked with investigat­ing Chandran’s death, saying he did not do a thorough job.

Selvi and Rita filed the suit in September 2014 and they named five police officers, the inspector-general of police and the government as defendants.

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