The Sun (Malaysia)

Natural remedies for combating colds


COLDS are quick to take advantage of weakened immune systems. Here’s a look at some of the natural remedies available to help you bounce back.

Unblock noses with essential oils Place two drops of antibacter­ial niaouli essential oil, and three drops of decongesta­nt eucalyptus radiata essential oil onto a handkerchi­ef or tissue, which you can sniff throughout the day.

A course of grapefruit seed extract Try a course of grapefruit seed extract as soon as symptoms appear. Dilute 15 drops in a glass of water three times a day.

Drink lemon juice and honey A hot toddy of lemon juice and honey is a highly effective remedy. Add fresh grated ginger for a warming touch.

Boost the immune system with vitamin C Tuck into citrus fruit like mandarins, lemons, oranges and grapefruit­s, as well as kiwis. These are particular­ly rich in vitamin C.

If you have a cold, you can take up to 1000mg of vitamin C per day. Between seasons, dietary intake can be boosted with a supplement of 500mg per day.

Get more sleep Colds generally last for around 10 days. Try to get to bed early, rest as much as possible and keep warm.

In the evening, a relaxing essential oil massage can be helpful.

Mix two drops of antiviral ravintsara essential oil, one drop of antibacter­ial tea tree oil, one drop of eucalyptus radiata essential oil and one drop of rosewood essential oil to a large drop of plant-based carrier oil (apricot, almond).

Apply to the sinuses, the sides of the nose, the neck and behind the ears.

Keep microbes at bay with herbal infusions Thyme has antibacter­ial properties.

Echinacea can also be consumed in herbal teas to relieve the intensity of symptoms like congestion, runny noses, sore throats and headaches.

Lavender and yarrow can help dilate airways. – AFP-Relaxnews

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