The Sun (Malaysia)

Look within self for hidden treasures


CONTENTMEN­T has become a rare virtue. There is dissatisfa­ction with the self and also with the life of others.

The habit of complainin­g has become so deep that some complain about things which are even beyond their control.

The constant complaint mode hampers our ability to be content. When we are grumbling and complainin­g, we lose the opportunit­y at hand.

When feeling a little sad or depressed, some go out and shop for clothes and accessorie­s, while others look for someone or something to make them happy.

Some grab a chocolate bar or an ice cream. Still others pack up and head for a holiday. All these provide us with a fleeting moment of happiness ... and then we are back to where we were.

There is an ancient story, available in various versions, which tells of the silliness of a senseless search.

A villager was on his knees and searching for something on the ground under a street lamp. A friend passed by and asked him what he was looking for.

When the villager replied that he was looking for his key, the friend offered to help him and started looking as well.

After thoroughly searching for over an hour, the key was not to be found. The friend asked: “Are you sure you lost it here?”

“No,” replied the villager, “I lost it inside my house.” “Then why are you looking here?” “Because the light is better here!” said the villager.

We usually begin our quest ‘outside’ to find what is really missing ‘inside’. This is because the majority of us find emptiness and darkness when we search within.

Perhaps, there is a need to press the switch of self-awareness, and explore the treasures within.

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