The Sun (Malaysia)

Preparing for Year of the Rooster

> Here’s a general analysis of how those born under each of the 12 animal zodiac signs will fare in 2017


ANOTHER year is coming to an end. And a new one will start soon. You may ask, what can I expect in the coming year of the Fire Rooster? To get a clearer picture of your luck and fortune in 2017, you will need to do a personalis­ed reading, for example, using the bazi or ziwei. That is when the practition­er will take your year, month, day and time of birth into the equation.

For the mass market, a simple yet somewhat effective way is to do a reading taking your year of birth or your Chinese zodiac sign into considerat­ion.

As you may expect this does not give a complete picture compared to a personalis­ed reading. However, the year energy do have some influence and you can still sneak a peek into what awaits you in the coming year.

Below is a glimpse of what the Year of the Fire Rooster holds for the different animal zodiac signs using the Minor Stars method.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

THE ROOSTER offends the Tai Sui this year. The Tai Sui or Grand Duke indicates obstacles and challenges. It can bring changes and disruption and also people-related problems.

The Jiang Xing or General Star, however, shines on the Rooster this year and this is a positive thing. The Jiang Xing star is highly auspicious and it denotes plenty of assistance from noblemen or helpful people. It has the ability to convert bad to good.

The Tian Ku or Heaven Cry star relates to a feeling of sadness or emptiness. So stay positive.

The Rooster is also influenced by the Fu Shi and Jian Feng or Sword Edge Star. The Fu Shi star indicates injuries by metal objects. It also mean disagreeme­nts or arguments.

The Jian Feng star hints at mishaps or injuries caused by metal objects but more likely when on the move. So take precaution­s when driving or operating machinery.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

IT LOOKS like 2017 is a good year for the Dog in terms of career and money.

The presence of the Tai Yang or Great Sun Star hints at good career and wealth luck. The Tai Yang star helps in career achievemen­t which can result in a promotion or an enlarged job scope.

There will be plenty of opportunit­ies and you should capitalise­d on them when they present itself.

The Tai Yang also indicates noblemen or helpful people who will likely to be male.

In addition, there is the Pan An or Saddle Star which hints at fame and achievemen­t. The star brings about recognitio­n and status as well as scholarly honours or a job change or promotion for the better.

But the Tian Kong or Heaven Emptiness suggests losses or damage to reputation.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

THE BOAR is influenced by both the Tian Ma or Sky Horse Star and the Yi Ma or Current Horse Star. Both are auspicious and suggest travel-related opportunit­ies.

Both these stars indicate fortunes to be made from travel, movement or participat­ing in activities outside. They can also bring about opportunit­ies to change or a chance to socialise.

The Gu Chen or Lonesome Star suggests that all the success may bring along a feeling of isolation.

But the Boar faces the Sang Meng or Funeral Door Star this year, which suggests health problems in the family especially with the elderly.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

IT LOOKS like the Year of the Rooster is a good one for the Rat.

The presence of the Tai Yin or Great Moon Star indicates opportunit­ies to accrue wealth.

Tai Yin also hints at noblemen or helpful persons of the female gender. Hence, opportunit­ies are likely to be related to women and women-related industries such as cosmetics, fashion, shoes, etc, or it could be related to properties, interior designs or cleaning businesses.

The Tian Xi or Heaven Happiness Star suggests happy and joyous events such as a new relationsh­ip, wedding, child birth, graduation, scholarly honours, etc. It is a good time to get married or have a child.

The Rat is, however, influenced by the Guan Suo or Lock Star that hints at argument, gossips, confinemen­t or lawsuits. So don’t get into any serious disagreeme­nt with anyone.

In addition, the Liu Hai Star may bring a feeling of loneliness. So stay positive and go out to meet old friends or make new ones.

Take up activities or hobbies that are fun and make you happy such as singing or dancing.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

THIS is a mixed year for the Ox.

On the positive side, the Long De or Dragon Virtue Star brings good omens and tidings and can turn unfavourab­le events into favourable ones. It also suggests receiving assistance at every turn.

The Hua Gai or Elegant Seal Star denotes learning and creative skills, making it a good time to attend some courses or start work on the post graduate degree that you have always wanted to acquire.

If you are into creative work, this is also a good time to let that creatively run free. Hua Gai also hints at scholarly achievemen­ts and gaining of status.

The Long Chi star is associated with recognitio­n, reputation or intelligen­ce. Career-wise it can mean a promotion, or awards.

On the negative side, there is Fu Chen or Float Sink Star, which suggests injuries in or around water, so defer your extreme water sport.

Then there is the Feng Ge or Estrange Star which hints at a relationsh­ip problem, while the Wu Gui or Five Ghost Star indicates turbulent emotions, disturbanc­es or topsyturvy feelings. Counter this by staying positive.

The presence of the Fei Fu or Flying Mark Star hints at injuries due to sport or other activities. You may want to postpone your category five white water rafting challenge to another year!

Next the Guan Fu or Officer Star brings about matters of disputes and litigation.

Finally, the Xie Ren or Blood Knife Star suggests accidents and injuries. This star, in particular, suggests possible injuries due to sporting activities.

I would suggest that you be cautious when travelling and try your best to defer any form of extreme sport or activities like sky diving or bungee jumping to another year. 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

THIS IS not a great year for the Tiger as there is the Xiao Hao or Lesser Consumer Star in 2017 which suggests a small financial loss or an inability to accumulate money.

You should do some budgeting and it may help if you refrain from making any emotional purchases.

The Si Fu or Death Mark Star suggests health problems among elderly members in the family. Or the younger ones may be affected by minor illnesses too. So make sure they eat well and get enough exercise.

Finally, you should be careful as the Jie Sha or Robbery Star indicates that you may suffer losses from thefts or robberies. Do not leave your car unlock or wander in dark, unsafe places!


1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

WHILE the Rooster offends Tai Sui in 2017, the Rabbit clashes with it, invoking the Sui Po or Year Breaker Star.

Sui Po suggests a major loss of wealth. This is not a good year to make any risky investment­s. Stick to safe investment­s only.

The Zai Sha or Disaster Star hints at a disaster or calamity. It also suggest accidents and injuries while travelling. So make sure that you do not drive when tired or intoxicate­d.

Moreover, the Tian Xu or Heaven Emptiness Star implies a feeling of sadness befalling you and also indicates relationsh­ip problems, while the Lan Gan or Fence Star and the Yue Kong or Month Emptiness Star suggest an inability to realise your plans or achieve your goals.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

IT IS not great going for the Dragon either this year. The Brutal Defeat Star suggests a sudden loss of wealth or things unexpected­ly turning sour.

However, the Dragon Virtue Star should temper this inauspicio­us star or at least reduce its intensity. Neverthele­ss, be prepared for anything and take note that you can lose a battle but still win the war!

The Dragon is also affected by the Tian E or Dark Heaven Star which suggests minor accidents or losses while travelling. So slow down a bit when driving and keep an eye on your luggage when travelling.

Finally, the Tian Sha or Heaven Killing Star indicates delay to your plans. It also suggests adversity for a husband or father.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

THE SNAKE is also faced with inauspicio­us stars this year.

The Bai Hu or White Tiger Star suggests accidents and injuries. I would advise you to be extra cautious when travelling.

The Po Sui or Broken Star suggests damage to your reputation, a public relation disaster or a fall in your status. Stay alert and try to stay out of trouble.

Finally, the Di Sha or Earth Star suggests being inundated by feelings of worry and anxiety. Taking some self-help courses may help.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

IT’S GOING to be a great year for the Horse as you have the Fu De or Fortune Virtue Star. This auspicious star has the ability to convert bad to good, which is great as it helps to resolve your problems. It also suggests help from noblemen or helpful people.

The Hong Luang or Red Matchmaker Star also shines on the Horse. Singles may find love and for those in a relationsh­ip, it will be a good time to marry. For married couples, it can mean a strengthen­ing of the relationsh­ip.

The Red Matchmaker Star can also mean that people find you more likable which will result in more support for you.

Unfortunat­ely, danger lies ahead with the Toa Hua or Peach Blossom Star which suggests unwanted attention from the opposite sex or the appearance of a third party in a relationsh­ip. It can also mean scandals and rumours.

While the star indicates the chance, whether you make a mess of it is really up to you. So don’t say I did not warn you.

Be caredul also of the Juan She or Curl Tongue Star which indicates gossips, rumours, slanders or legal entangleme­nts. You might want to watch what you say and try not to get in anyone’s way.

The Nian Sha or Year Killing Star suggests some quarrels or disputes. It also implies illhealth for older family members.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

FOR THE Goat, the Diao Ke or Hang Guest Star hints of an inauspicio­us, unfortunat­e, unlucky or unhappy event.

It is also better you do not attend funerals as there is a chance you will be negatively impacted. This is due to the Tian Gou or Sky Dog Star.

There is also the Gua Su or Lonesome Star that suggests loneliness, being unwanted or isolated. Most of the time, this is just a feeling and you should go out to meet people or join a common interest group. Or simply recognise this as just a feeling and not get too depressed.

The Pi Tou or Pealing Head Star suggests health problems among older family members. It is a good time to ensure that family members eat correctly and have enough of exercise and rest.

Also ensure family members get quality medical care at the onset before the problem turns into something more serious.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

IT’S NOT a great year for the Monkey as the Bing Fu Star hints of illness or health troubles. You should take more care of your health and ensure you eat correctly and get plenty of exercise and rest.

The Yue Sha or Month Killing Star implies a feeling of sadness and indicates problems in relationsh­ips with women. So be careful what you say to your other half.

Finally, the Monkey is also affected by the Wang Shen or Death God Star which suggests legal problems. So if you have not yet settled your outstandin­g traffic summonses, now is the time to do it.

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