The Sun (Malaysia)

3 arrested for IS links

> Two security guards among suspects, shotgun and air gun seized


KUALA LUMPUR: Two security guards, one who worked for Malaysia Airports Berhad, were among three suspected Islamic State (IS) militants held by police last week.

Police also seized an air gun and a shotgun from the security guards, who were arrested on Friday in Kuantan by the Special Branch counter-terrorism unit.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said yesterday the first suspect arrested was a 37year-old Malaysia Airports Berhad security guard who is an Indonesian with Malaysian permanent resident status.

He said the suspected militant had gone to Turkey in 2013 and made contact with Malaysian IS fighters in Syria.

Khalid said the man had planned to leave for Syria with his wife.

Police also seized an air gun and three books on deviant extremist Islamic teachings.

Khalid said on the same day, another security guard, aged 38, of a private company was held on suspicion of having links to IS.

He said a shotgun was recovered from the man, who was also planning to leave for Syria to fight alongside other Malaysian militants.

Khalid said the third suspect, who is unemployed, was arrested here on Sunday and had confessed to the raiding party that he was an IS member.

The suspect also said he had threatened to bomb the Negri Sembilan Mufti Department, apparently for not adhering to Islamic laws.

Two days before his arrest, the suspect had also issued a warning on Facebook to blow up several places here.

Khalid said all three men were held under anti-terrorism laws.

 ??  ?? The Indonesian guard being escorted by a heavily armed police team. The suspect was planning to leave for Syria. The private company security guard, still wearing his shotgun ammunition belt, being led away by police.
The Indonesian guard being escorted by a heavily armed police team. The suspect was planning to leave for Syria. The private company security guard, still wearing his shotgun ammunition belt, being led away by police.
 ??  ?? The third suspect being taken into custody. He had threatened to bomb the Negri Sembilan Mufti Department.
The third suspect being taken into custody. He had threatened to bomb the Negri Sembilan Mufti Department.

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