The Sun (Malaysia)

Indonesia police vow to block ‘political’ rally

> Islamist leader named suspect in defamation case


JAKARTA: Indonesian police will block a rally in Jakarta next month led by the hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) if the group intends to make it political just days before an election for city governor that has raised religious tension.

The FPI has led two rallies over the past year targeting the ethnic Chinese, Christian Jakarta governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, which drew hundreds of thousands of Muslims calling for his jailing over allegation­s he insulted the Quran.

The FPI leader, Habib Rizieq, was on Monday declared a suspect over allegation­s he insulted Indonesia’s state ideology, known as the Pancasila, which enshrines religious diversity in an officially secular system.

Jakarta police chief Mochamad Iriawan told Reuters in an interview on Monday, the FPI’s plan for another rally on Feb 11, four days before the Jakarta elections, indicated it would be political in nature, and if so, it would not be allowed.

“The end of the campaign period should not be disrupted by the planned protest,” Mochamad said.

“If the context is as they said on social media – ‘we should vote for a Muslim person as our leader’ – it looks like a political campaign.”

The rallies late last year raised concerns among investors that Islamist militancy and mob rule were taking hold in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.

Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population, the majority of whom follow a moderate form of Islam.

The naming of Habib as a suspect comes amid signs that authoritie­s are taking a firmer stance to contain the rise of the FPI and other Islamist groups.

Basuki, who is known as Ahok and is an ally of President Joko Widodo, is contesting the Feb 15 election against two Muslim candidates.

He was named a blasphemy suspect on Nov 16, days after the first big FPI rally, and is on trial. He denies the charge.

Mochamad said the FPI had yet to apply for a permit for its rally, and the group would only be allowed to proceed if “they just hold a prayer”.

Habib also faces investigat­ions into alleged blasphemy and hate speech, including remarks by him that communist symbols had been hidden in new Indonesian bank notes and comments mocking the notion that Jesus was the son of God.

FPI spokesman Slamet Maarif said the group’s supporters would defend Habib “until the last drop of our blood”. – Reuters

 ??  ?? Student supporters of JuD carry signs and chant slogans to condemn the house arrest of Saeed during a protest demonstrat­ion in Karachi, Pakistan, yesterday.
Student supporters of JuD carry signs and chant slogans to condemn the house arrest of Saeed during a protest demonstrat­ion in Karachi, Pakistan, yesterday.
 ??  ?? Habib gestures after he leaves police headquarte­rs following questionin­g in Jakarta on Jan 23.
Habib gestures after he leaves police headquarte­rs following questionin­g in Jakarta on Jan 23.

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