The Sun (Malaysia)

Strutting proud&tall

> Hong Kong feng shui masters predict US President Donald Trump will thrive in the Year of the Rooster


DONALD TRUMP will strut through the Year of the Fire Rooster, thriving even as Hong Kong geomancers predict 2017 will be marked by arguments and aggression – characteri­stics attributed to the animal.

With Trump at the top of the pecking order, the volatile traits of the Rooster – combined with the year’s signature element of Fire – will bring rocky times ahead, particular­ly in the western world, the feng shui masters say.

“The Rooster likes to pick fights, loves to have verbal arguments and is combative,” Hong Kong soothsayer Thierry Chow tells AFP.

Trump’s inaugurati­on was met with mass protests in the US, and he has already riled China, prompting fears of a trade war between the world’s top two economies.

Chow predicts the US president would ruffle more feathers in his first year in office.

“There will be a lot of strikes and even riots,” she says.

Although born in the Year of the Dog, Trump can afford to be cocky due to his flock of faithful followers and his personal bazi element of Earth, which is compatible with the Fire element defining 2017.

According to the philosophy of feng shui, all events are dictated by the varying balances in the five elements that make up the universe: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

Bazi are fate-setting traits linked to the exact time and date of a person’s birth.

“The year will have all these elements, these people, these things and environmen­t which will help him personally as a president,” says Chow.

Celebrity feng shui master Alion Yeo says the US economy would benefit due to the Rooster’s signature element of Metal, which also represents money and stocks.

“Trump’s bazi shows he will be prosperous, so the US stock market will perform well in 2017,” Yeo says.

But he added that Trump’s good luck will only be temporary, as the elements turn against him in future years.

“He will have a good run in 2017, but this won’t be the case for 2018 (Year of the Dog),” says Yeo.

Feng shui – literally meaning ‘wind-water’ – is influentia­l in many parts of Asia, where people adjust their lives and carefully position items such as a cup of wine or pieces of ivory in offices and homes to maximise their luck and wealth.

Those who practise the ancient philosophy were highly soughtafte­r by Chinese dynastic rulers over 1,000 years ago.

“We were government workers in the past, and would help the emperors ask the heavens whether the year was going to be a good one or not,” Yeo says.

One traditiona­l method was to shake three coins in a turtle shell, and see which way they fell in order to judge important topics, including picking dates for marriage, or how to fight a major battle.

Yeo still rolls coins to make prediction­s, but uses a cup, not a turtle shell. Others use a metal shell replica.

To divine the future, Yeo says the geomancer’s heart must be very quiet.

“Whether or not you can communicat­e with the heavens is a gift,” he adds.

Yeo says the world will be like a “sick Ox” in 2017, with an even less favourable outlook than tumultuous 2016.

“It can barely even get up to eat the grass around it,” he says, adding that Europe will fare particular­ly badly.

The Rooster’s Metal element signifies western countries, especially Europe, will come under pressure from the year’s Fire element, explains Yeo.

Brexit and the refugee crisis will drive more chaos for the continent in 2017, adds Chow, who uses the ‘flying star’ system, which is based on the constellat­ion positions, to make her prediction­s.

“I wouldn’t say things are calming down,” she adds. “It will be a year of very heated arguments.” – AFP

 ??  ?? As the Chinese community welcomes the Year of the Rooster (far left), US President Trump (left) will enjoy plenty of good fortune, according to regional feng shui experts like Chow
As the Chinese community welcomes the Year of the Rooster (far left), US President Trump (left) will enjoy plenty of good fortune, according to regional feng shui experts like Chow (below).

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