The Sun (Malaysia)

US weighs deploying troops for IS fight

> Marines equipped with artillery enter Syria


WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump’s administra­tion is weighing a deployment of up to 1,000 American soldiers to Kuwait to serve as a reserve force in the fight against Islamic State (IS) as US-backed fighters accelerate the offensive in Syria and Iraq, US officials said.

Proponents of the option, which has not been previously reported, said it would provide US commanders on the ground greater flexibilit­y to quickly respond to unforeseen opportunit­ies and challenges on the battlefiel­d.

It would also represent a step away from standard practices under president Barack Obama’s administra­tion by leaving the ultimate decision on whether to deploy some of those Kuwait-based reserve forces in Syria or Iraq to local commanders.

“This is about providing options,” said one US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The officials said the deployment would differ from the existing US troop presence in Kuwait.

It was unclear whether the proposal had the support of US defence secretary Jim Mattis, who could opt to use other tools to give commanders more agility.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis declined to comment on options being weighed by the Trump administra­tion.

Obama’s administra­tion was often accused of micromanag­ing even the smallest tactical details about the fight against IS, weighing in on the use of helicopter­s or movement of small numbers of US forces.

It also set limits on US deployment­s that would be adjusted incrementa­lly, a strategy meant to avoid mission creep by the military and prevent military moves that might seem good on the battlefiel­d but which could have inadverten­t diplomatic or political consequenc­es. Such limits are now under scrutiny.

The decision on whether to create a more rapidly deployable Kuwait-based force is part of the ongoing review of the US strategy to defeat IS in Iraq and Syria, where around 6,000 US troops are deployed, largely in advisory roles, the officials said.

Trump has made defeating IS one of the key goals of his presidency.

US officials have acknowledg­ed the review may lead to an increase in American troops in Syria, where US-backed Arab and Kurdish forces are isolating Raqqa – the de facto capital of IS – ahead of an assault.

In a sign of advancing US preparatio­ns for Raqqa, an American official said on Wednesday that a small group of marines have entered Syria.

The Washington Post said the marines were from an amphibious task force and were establishi­ng an artillery outpost to support the Raqqa offensive. – Reuters

 ?? AFPPIX ?? ... This undated handout from Parks Victoria released yesterday shows the Westgate Park lake in Melbourne. The Australian lake has turned a vivid pink thanks to extreme salt levels further exacerbate­d by hot weather in a startling natural phenomena that resembles a toxic spill. Scientists say it is the result of green algae at the bottom of the lake responding to high levels of salt.
AFPPIX ... This undated handout from Parks Victoria released yesterday shows the Westgate Park lake in Melbourne. The Australian lake has turned a vivid pink thanks to extreme salt levels further exacerbate­d by hot weather in a startling natural phenomena that resembles a toxic spill. Scientists say it is the result of green algae at the bottom of the lake responding to high levels of salt.

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