The Sun (Malaysia)

The masculine factor

> Maintainin­g one’s manhood requires keeping testostero­ne levels intact for men, through regular exercise and a proper diet


bone loss.

In other words, your testostero­ne levels are a solid biomarker for overall health.

The problem is, modern society has developed in a way that has led to a complete downshift in our hormones.

And supplement companies are aware of this downward trend, and are marketing the solution in the form of testostero­ne booster supplement­s, which claim to use natural herbs to help increase testostero­ne.

But what actually does work to promote testostero­ne production in the body? Proteins.

Proteins have always been associated with muscle building, and that’s because proteins contain plenty of zinc and vitamin D.

To improve the testostero­ne levels through meat consumptio­n, choose meats that are high in protein.

Chicken breast, at approximat­ely 10g per ounce, offers a high protein content, while a pork chop averages 22g of protein.

Beef and fish weigh in at an average of 7g and 6.5g per ounce respective­ly, meaning an average steak or fillet contains between 22g and 25g of protein.

That, however, does not necessaril­y mean vegans eat less proteins. Meat proteins are just different from plant-based proteins.

Do note that increasing your ‘T levels’ even further through extra supplement­ation will not have a

Get in the range of sub -25% body fat Excess body fat produces an enzyme that converts testostero­ne into estrogen. Yes, estrogen, that girly hormone.

Eat a varied, balanced diet Ensure that you’re eating a balanced and diverse diet that provides your body with the essential macro- and micronutri­ents. Just eating one food group alone is not recommende­d.

For example, many have been subscribin­g to a protein diet. Too much protein in our system can harm our kidneys.

Lift weights and get stronger Exercise is a two-pronged tool. It helps regulate testostero­ne and manages stress.

Sleep for seven to nine hours every single night Sleep is the building block of all things cellular. Your body builds and repairs when you’re sleeping.

Any imbalance in these areas will decrease your testostero­ne levels. Fixing them will increase your testostero­ne levels naturally.

I’m a firm believer that supplement­s should only be used for what they’re made for – to supplement your diet and lifestyle. However, many men approach supplement­s as the be-all-end-all.

Our major focus should be on making simple diet and lifestyle changes to allow our body to function more optimally.

Let’s be Fit!

Jonathan Tan is the Club Manager of the Sports Toto Fitness Centre at Berjaya Times Square. He can be contacted at lifestyle.jonathan@ thesundail­

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