The Sun (Malaysia)

The challenge for Asean academics


SOUTHEAST Asia is an extremely diverse region - perhaps one of the most juxtaposed in the world. If you think about it, the 11 countries are run by a motley crew of regimes ranging from a sultanate, authoritar­ian rule, socialist states to illiberal democracie­s and developing democracie­s.

Our cultures are very different from each other. We do not speak a similar language, neither are our language roots or scripts related. Our religious beliefs are far from homogenous nor do we share a similar history – each different and equally rich on its own. Geography is perhaps what connects us best. This to me is fascinatin­g, and is one of the reasons I’ve gone back to being a student again.

However when looking for informatio­n on Southeast Asia, what is prevalent is that the range of materials available on the region is limited. On one hand it means there are many more themes that can be studied but it is also worrying that the gaps are still not filled. There are many factors that contribute to the lack of local academic contributi­on. First, our universiti­es and formal academia history is relatively young.

This perhaps contribute­s to why there are so few Asian scholars publishing, and this is quite dishearten­ing. Also the level of writing skill and research resilience makes it difficult to publish. With most journals being produced in English for example, the skilllevel in mastering the language makes it challengin­g for local scholarshi­p to be produced let alone made available globally.

Second, there is limited interest and funding available to study. Imagine what would happen if you meet a young person who is passionate about studying Southeast Asian heritage or history. What would their career projection be – how will they earn a living? Or what if someone tells you they want to study Asian dance forms or the anthropolo­gy of local food. There is a genuine concern for how they will survive in the real world? These are very real concerns. But it also shows the value society places on what is deemed as peripheral interests that are worthy when pursued as hobbies but not something to make a career out of.

Third, is the absence of academic rigour and stamina. Writing journal articles that are globally recognised and peer-reviewed is not easy nor is it financiall­y rewarding. Writing an article, an op-ed or even policy paper does take less time and has a wider readership. So the incentive to sit and produce a detailed study is time-consuming and financiall­y not rewarding with limited recognitio­n or even interest.

Yes, academic writing tends to be elitist and not inclusive, fencing out everyday interest on subject matters. However that does not mean it should not be pursued. There is tremendous value in the skill set academic study builds, but it requires resilience and passion but it does not hurt to have a better support system that encourages contributi­ons.

Fourth – the diminishin­g ability to critically think. When citizens are threatened for having independen­t thought and questionin­g systems the message being sent is that you should not develop ideas or as we tend to say “Aiyo, don’t think so much” and “Mind your own business”. And we see this in many parts of the world.

When academics are slapped with political opinion bans and are restricted from speaking freely or limited in what they can research or write about, it limits the ability to critically think. When such an assault happens, resource materials churned out end up being bland. Not only does society suffer from intelligen­t and sound reasoning but it inadverten­tly chokes the space where local academics can thrive. We kill their spirit or end up losing our talent to more welcoming countries.

What also happens is that we let nonlocals set the narrative and become specialist­s on our country, our culture, our traditions and histories.

While there is no patent as to who can and should be studying Southeast Asia, having someone from a different culture interpreti­ng what happens in our countries has its limitation­s. As a local or Southeast Asian, there is a certain wisdom that we attain from growing up in the region.

We understand the cultures, the behaviour, traditions and local know-how and are able to navigate through local complexiti­es with ease. This is something that cannot be taught but it is learnt by growing up and living in the region. Such experience adds value to research and allows us to tell our stories giving depth to studies and not discountin­g analysis to mere explanatio­ns of exoticness of Southeast Asia.

To add we look to older more developed societies for theories and interpreta­tions but our diversity does not always fit their frameworks. This is where there is a deficiency in local contributi­on.

Finally, but not exhaustive­ly is the different visions for academia. On one hand organisati­ons need to be financiall­y independen­t and stable and on the other hand they need to be relevant and fulfilling their purpose. This balance has meant that administra­tors that run academic institutio­ns are not necessaril­y academics. So the idea of staff going on sabbatical and funding them while they are away from the desk reflects negatively in the accounts. The value placed on doing both research and being a practition­er while being an academic is still not practised well in this part of the world.

Desk research versus fieldwork produces very different outcomes and dictates the value and richness of research produced feeding back into the value of the organisati­on or university.

Because we are relatively small or rather not as big as other diasporas, it is necessary that we are not forgotten in the world of academia.

We ourselves need to leave our mark and should be the ones constricti­ng the narrative instead of leaving it to others. The next generation also needs to be able to have Asian thinkers that are sound and worth emulating instead of always looking outside. We have to start building and finding value in studying us and our region better. There are some Asean countries that have had the vision to invest mindfully in regional and area studies but there is ample room to do more and contribute meaningful­ly.

 ?? REUTERSPIX ?? Rice is a common denominato­r in Southeast Asia.
REUTERSPIX Rice is a common denominato­r in Southeast Asia.
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