The Sun (Malaysia)

Labour & childbirth


CHILDBIRTH represents the ultimate, positive result of the pregnancy process. The baby leaves its (natural) incubator, coming out into the real world to lead an independen­t life. at the same time, causing the baby to descend in the passage towards the exterior.

Normal pregnancy term: usually 37 weeks to 40 weeks.

For overdue/post term cases, labour is induced and the baby is delivered before 42 weeks.

Childbirth ensues through the vagina in a normal delivery, which is the preferred choice.

Otherwise through the abdomen via a (surgical) Caesarean section (C-section). is pursued when there are contraindi­cations to a normal delivery such as:

abnormalit­ies and presentati­ons; placenta previa; multiple pregnancie­s; pre-eclampsia; and

when a baby is too big, reflecting disproport­ion between the size of the baby and the pelvis.

Emergency C-sections are pursued when a normal delivery proves unsuccessf­ul. In cases of failure of the labour process to progress and when foetal distress necessitat­es immediate delivery of the baby. Caesarean sections have evolved significan­tly since the time when crude surgery was executed to save the life of a baby from an obstructed labour in a dying mother.

Classical C-section of the past are rarely done nowadays, except in dire emergencie­s.

Today it a sophistica­ted, safe and commonly performed procedure.

A variation in technique postulated the term LSCS (Lower Segment Caesarean Section).

The labour for childbirth involves quite a number of hours. There are in fact three stages of labour. has a latent phase and an active phase.

• The latent phase is from the start of pains until the cervix is fully effaced (thinned out) and dilated to 3cm. This phase can take from a few hours to a few days.

• The active phase lasts between 6 to 12 hours from the cervical dilatation of 3cm reaching 10cm.

• The contractio­ns are typically intermitte­nt, lasting less than a minute and the intervals get closer from 10 to 15 minutes apart to about just 2 or 3 minutes apart.

• Contractio­ns also gradually gets stronger in the active phase of labour. It however, remains intermitte­nt throughout the labour.

• This is an important point, for during the relaxation period, the mother’s blood is able to supply the baby with


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