The Sun (Malaysia)

Fit the Bil

> She has come a long way from being a shy song writing hobbyist to becoming what some call a ‘Yuna protégé’


signed to them. It was a year before they contacted me, and the rest is history.

I was a really private person; and I honestly never thought of doing music, apart from the few small restaurant gigs that I had done. It was a scary step to take because I need to expose myself and let go of my privacy – and I was worried about my family and friends getting picked on my internet trolls and stuff like that. But it was a risk that I must take.

Was that the biggest struggle? Definitely. There is always feedback when you put something out and expose yourself this way, which can be a good thing.

Unfortunat­ely, sometimes it is just a lot of personal attacks – attacks on family and friends, on the way I dress, or the way I sing, and so on.

For example, I posted a picture on Instagram of a yoga class I participat­ed in, then someone commented something like “do you know it’s against Islam to do yoga?” It’s just stupid things like these.

People outside of the public eye already get comments like these, what more when one’s in it. Thankfully, however, I have not gotten a lot of those. Do you see yourself doing singingson­gwriting for life? That’s a good question; I don’t know. I go in and out of it – I really want to give it my 100%, but sometimes I still have doubts of whether I can do it. I have doubts about it being my career, but I try to think of music as something that I do as I pursue other things.

What are you currently working on? I’m currently working on my new album. It carries the kind of sound that I have been wanting to do from the very beginning.

When I first started out with my EP, I was unsure of what I wanted and was only feeling out this music thing. The music I had on SoundCloud was acoustic, folksy and cutesy.

This album is completely different. The songs have simple sounds, yet are deeper, with darker lyrics. It is more electronic, than acoustic.

 ??  ?? Nabila Musa began writing songs around the tender age of 11.
Nabila Musa began writing songs around the tender age of 11.
 ?? ZULFADHLI ZAKI/ THESUN ?? She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Media Studies in Developmen­t and Social Change.
ZULFADHLI ZAKI/ THESUN She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Media Studies in Developmen­t and Social Change.
 ??  ??

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