The Sun (Malaysia)

PAS support crucial for BN win in Selangor: Analysts


THE support of two former mentris besar has no doubt given Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) a much needed boost in terms of publicity but not necessaril­y an edge over Pakatan Harapan.

What is really crucial for BN to retake the state is PAS support, said political analysts.

They opined that it is still unclear whether Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib can really help BN win people’s hearts and pull votes, adding that the federal ruling coalition needs the close cooperatio­n of all component parties as well as close coordinati­on between Umno and PAS to emerge victorious in the state in the next polls.

The two Tan Sris were present at the opening of the Selangor Umno convention at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, last Saturday in response to BN’s call for support to wrest back Selangor in the 14th general election (GE14).

Political commentato­r Tang Ah Chai told China Press that the support of Abdul Khalid and Muhammad, who returned to Umno’s fold not long ago, does not give BN the edge, saying although the former has a positive public image, the same cannot be said of the latter due to corruption allegation­s hurled against him in the past.

“Umno has earlier said it wanted former Selangor mentris besar to join forces with the party to help BN recapture the state. Although the duo has responded positively, it is unclear how the ‘entry’ of Abdul Khalid would give BN an advantage (over Pakatan).”

Tang said what is crucial for BN to recapture Selangor is how Umno and PAS could work together. If PAS contests most seats in Selangor, it will impact on Pakatan and help BN indirectly,” he said.

Meanwhile, political analyst Thock Kiah Wah said Abdul Khalid, being a former Pakatan mentri besar, could draw some votes away from Pakatan.

“It is hard to predict how much this is going to change but judging from the ‘not too bad’ progress achieved by Selangor in the last few years under the Pakatan government, the federal opposition still maintains a certain edge over BN,” he opined.

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