The Sun (Malaysia)

Guan Eng ticks off Hadi for ‘slander’ against DAP


GEORGE TOWN: DAP secretaryg­eneral Lim Guan Eng has expressed regret over the attack by PAS president Datul Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who said Muslims should not let DAP leaders become the prime minister of Malaysia.

Lim said the notion about DAP leaders aspiring to become the prime minister of Malaysia is a malicious slander from a leader who portrays himself as an ulama.

He said for Hadi, as an ulama, to utter such a slander at DAP is immoral, unethical and a breach of all principles of truth.

“We have never demanded to become the candidate for prime minister. Even when Pakatan Harapan announced it, the candidate for the position was not from DAP, the deputy position was also not for DAP,” he said during a press conference at the Chew Jetty yesterday morning.

Lim also described the latest statement by the PAS president as a deliberate attack to incite hatred and racial sentiments.

Yesterday, a Malay daily reported Abdul Hadi as saying that DAP cannot run a clean government, and should not aspire to have a prime minister from among its leaders as they are not Muslims.

Lim also said it is fine if PAS wants to forge political cooperatio­n with Umno as it is their right to do so.

Earlier, Lim, who is Penang chief minister, announced an allocation of RM30,794 for the Clan Jetty Village and Security Developmen­t Committee (JKKK) to help fund the cost of repair for the jetty’s damaged walkways.

The repair work, to be coordinate­d by the JKKK, is to begin next month and to be completed before Chinese New Year in February.

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