The Sun (Malaysia)

Mahathir outlines work ahead

> Plans include move to boost business community, stabilise ringgit and review cases of political persecutio­n


PETALING JAYA: In his first press conference as Malaysia’s seventh prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday revealed some of the crucial concerns his administra­tion would get right down to addressing.

“We promise to set up a good government based on the Constituti­on and the laws. We are particular­ly keen to ensure that the Constituti­on is upheld and the laws will guide us in our administra­tion,” he said after his swearing-in ceremony.

He assured the business community that there will be a better business environmen­t and encouraged investors to boost the stock market.

“We want the private and government sectors to become one sector under a corporatio­n, which is Malaysia. We intend to build up the country with help from investors inside and outside the country. We would like to see an active stock market. We think we can achieve this because we have people who are experience­d in economics and finance.”

He also expressed gratitude to those who financiall­y supported his campaign.

“Some people surreptiti­ously gave us money. They didn’t tell people, they come quietly. Because we know what will happen if they are seen to be close to me. They would be visited by the Income Tax Department and the MACC and they will have been forced to pay additional taxes that were not due. We would like to refund their taxes.”

He also said he would look into cases of government servants, politician­s and individual­s who had faced punitive action because of their support for Pakatan Harapan.

On the value of the ringgit, he said: “There should be no cause for devaluatio­n of the ringgit. We cannot devalue the ringgit too much or else we won’t be competitiv­e. But we will try to make it steady.”

“We will also not change petrol prices every few seconds. It is disturbing to dealers, and we will stabilise it.”

“I became prime minister in 1981 when the country was going through a very serious recession but we recovered earlier and we currently have some minds in the government to look into this and we will try and solve the issues caused by the previous prime minister,” he said.

On the fate of some government heads of department­s, he said: “Some heads must roll. This is because some of them were found to be aiding and abetting the former prime minister which the world has condemned as a kleptocrat.”

Mahathir also said he will meet his coalition party leaders today to discuss formation of the first Pakatan Harapan Cabinet.

 ??  ?? Mahathir at the press conference at Sheraton Hotel in Subang Jaya last night.
Mahathir at the press conference at Sheraton Hotel in Subang Jaya last night.

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