The Sun (Malaysia)

Woman ‘with 11 husbands’ stoned to death


MOGADISHU: Shabaab militants stoned a Somali woman to death on Wednesday after a court sentenced her to the punishment for having married 11 men, the AlQaeda-linked group and witnesses said.

The woman was publicly executed in Shabelle, some 250km from Mogadishu, an area controlled by the group.

“The judge said that the woman has confessed to the charges against her, that she married 11 husbands at the same time,” read a statement carried on a proShabaab website.

Witnesses said a dozen hooded Shabaab fighters were involved in the stoning.

According to the Shabaab statement, the 30-year-old mother of eight was arrested after two men argued over her, each claiming to be her legal husband.

After her arrest, the number of men claiming to have married her increased.

“One of the husbands died and another divorced her, but nine others were still married to her,” the statement added.

Witnesses said the woman married the men secretly and that none of them were aware of her prior marriages.

While a Somali man – who can marry up to four – sometimes marries secretly to hide a union from one of his other spouses, this is far less common among women.

However, it does occur that a Somali woman will take a second husband without an official divorce, often for economic reasons.

Soldiers from African Union Mission in Somalia pushed the Shabaab out of the Somali capital in 2011, subsequent­ly ousting them from other cities and towns.

But the group still hold sway in large parts of the countrysid­e where they often carry out stonings for adultery. – AFP

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