The Sun (Malaysia)

US takes India to WTO over grain prices


WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday lodged a complaint against India over indication­s the country has underrepor­ted its price support for grains.

Both the underrepor­ting and the excess price support would violate the rules of the World Trade Organisati­on, the US Trade Representa­tive and Agricultur­e Department said in a joint statement.

“Based on US calculatio­ns, it appears that India has substantia­lly underrepor­ted its market price support for wheat and rice.”

And it appears the amount “far exceeded its allowable levels of trade distorting domestic support.”

Under WTO rules, all members are required to file an annual notificati­on of what products are imported or exported by state companies.

Then any member may make a counter-notificati­on if “it feels that a notificati­on by another member is either incomplete or incorrect.”

The US counter notificati­on, filed May 4, was the first ever for the global trade body.

“The United States expects our trading partners to comply with the reporting requiremen­ts they agreed to when joining the WTO,” US Trade representa­tive Robert Lighthizer said.

“India represents a massive market,” added US Agricultur­e secretary Sonny Perdue, “and we want greater access for US products, but India must be transparen­t about their practices.”

US officials cited issues with calculatio­ns of the amount and value of production as well as with currency conversion­s. – AFP

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