The Sun (Malaysia)

‘BN open to negotiatio­ns’

> Zahid says coalition will collaborat­e with any party to form govt or opposition


KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno are open to hold negotiatio­ns with any quarters on the possibilit­y of forming any form of government or opposition, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.

While no negotiatio­ns has yet to take place, the BN acting president said the talks should be done en bloc with all party members and component parties.

“Umno supreme council members have given me the mandate to hold negotiatio­ns (with any quarters), and on what steps to be taken next by the party.

“And we will use our strength to hold these negotiatio­ns with anyone on forming a government or opposition of any form,” he told reporters after chairing the supreme council meeting yesterday.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Umno vicepresid­ent, said Umno and BN should also consolidat­e their strength to ensure that the party would provide a viable option should any talks of a collaborat­ion were to take place.

“Although Pakatan Harapan (PH) is the government today, our party has the most MPs in parliament, a total of 54.

“We know the problems that they are facing. And I feel that we should consolidat­e so that any collaborat­ion or negotiatio­n would be in the best interest of Umno and BN,” he said.

On the two Perak assemblyme­n whose support for PH enabled the coalition to form the state government, Ahmad Zahid said their Umno membership has been cancelled with immediate effect.

The two assemblyme­n – Sungai Manik’s Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharudin and Tualang Sekah’s Datuk Nolee Ashilin Mohd Radzi – were reported to have said they only declared support for PH in the interest of the Perak people, but that they remained Umno members.

In an immediate response, PH vicepresid­ent Salahuddin Ayub ( pix) said the coalition would reject any form of “cheap politics” as mentioned by Ahmad Zahid.

He said PH’s MPs and assemblyme­n have worked hard and gone through the due process to form the new federal government, and the coalition was looking for leaders with integrity.

“From my view, if it’s true he wants to negotiate, that means he and Umno still want to form the government. We (PH) are built based on a long-standing struggle to bring Malaysia back to where it belongs.”

 ??  ?? Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Hussein sharing a light moment with Ahmad Zahid during a press conference at Menara Dato Onn, PWTC, in Kuala Lumpur .
Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammudd­in Hussein sharing a light moment with Ahmad Zahid during a press conference at Menara Dato Onn, PWTC, in Kuala Lumpur .
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