The Sun (Malaysia)

Myanmar floods kill five

> Monsoon rains displace 54,000 as it continues to batter region


BAGO: Rising floodwater­s have killed at least five and forced tens of thousands from their homes across swathes of Myanmar, a government official said yesterday, as heavy monsoon rains continue to batter the Mekong region.

Dramatic images showed vast areas of farmland completely submerged in muddy waters stretching to the horizon, with only the rooftops of some houses visible.

Stranded people were plucked from the churning inundation­s by rescuers in boats, while others waded through waist-deep water to escape, carrying children on their shoulders while trying to keep precious belongings out of the water.

“There are more than 54,000 displaced people affected by the flooding,” a Ministry of Social Welfare official said, adding that the death toll is expected to rise.

Evacuation orders had been issued, while some 163 camps have been set up across the country.

Authoritie­s scrambled to deliver aid to the affected regions, media said yesterday.

President Win Myint visited the Bago region in central Myanmar to meet displaced residents on Saturday and urged local officials to step up the provision of temporary shelters and aid.

An estimated 100,000 may be affected by the floods. Parts of Myanmar flood annually at the peak of the monsoon season, causing landslides and widespread damage to farmland and infrastruc­ture in the Southeast Asian nation.

Torrential downpours washed away a section of a 60m concrete bridge in the northern Shan state, while rice paddies and roads in central Kayin state suffered extensive damage, state media reported.

Rakhine also saw heavy rainfall submerge some roads. Aerial images shared on social media showed muddy brown water covering vast tracts of land.

The Red Cross tweeted it was distributi­ng hygiene, kitchen, and shelter gear, posting photos of its volunteers getting people to safety in boats. – Agencies

 ??  ?? Houses submerged by floodwater­s in Hpa-an, Karen state on Saturday.
A man carries a child through floodwater­s in the Bago region, some 68km away from Yangon, yesterday.
Houses submerged by floodwater­s in Hpa-an, Karen state on Saturday. A man carries a child through floodwater­s in the Bago region, some 68km away from Yangon, yesterday.
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