The Sun (Malaysia)

Changing your life for the better through meditation


ABOUT three decades before I came into the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga meditation, I was 53 years old, healthy, vibrant but with the occasional headaches, stomach aches, coughs and colds. I exercised, practised hatha yoga, and even ran marathons.

But after embracing Raja yoga, I spent more time meditating and less on exercise. Although I don’t exercise that much now, I am healthier than before.

I began to develop other talents such as becoming a newspaper columnist, and doing motivation courses, cooking and baking – and it all started from within.

Sometimes, due to time constraint, I would rather miss my exercise than my meditation because meditation keeps both my mind and body healthy. It quietens the mind, removes unnecessar­y self-talk and puts an end to bad habits.

Then at the age of 81, I developed knee pain, probably due to the wear and tear of years spent running around. Since I was healthy, I decided to do a knee replacemen­t surgery. I thought I would recover within a few months. I did my physiother­apy and everything that I was supposed to do, but the recovery was slow. Even after seven months, I could not climb one step up or down without support.

I wondered for a while as to why this was happening to me. Then I decided once and for all to put an end to this web of useless questionin­g and move forward.

I thought to myself, that at 83, I am still writing my two weekly newspaper columns – one in Kuala Lumpur and the other in Kota Kinabalu, I have my five-day RTM Self-Empowermen­t programme, as well as other things. Most of all, my mind is still alert.

Looking at the bigger picture, most of my colleagues and classmates are gone, and here I am, still alive, not kicking but walking, albeit slowly, without pain.

In fact, I should be grateful, as many of my friends are facing tremendous turmoil, and I do think about them with compassion and empathy.

I am still getting invitation to give talks. I have a truly supportive husband, three lovely sons and good friends.

I have everything that I need and I realise that when I give, I get back much more in terms of health, wealth and prosperity.

Today, I am financiall­y better off than years ago, although I don’t earn an income, because of my simple life.

Physical wealth aside, I have the more important wealth of knowledge of peace, love, joy and wisdom. With these, there is a feeling of having all attainment­s. I don’t need to ask for anything more.

In going within and getting in touch with my inner being, my inner calm, there is a feeling of satisfacti­on and peace.

I look forward to carrying on travelling, motivating and bringing benefit to as many people as possible till my final day.

To all those who experience adversitie­s in their lives, don’t panic. Be patient, grateful, and positive. Remember that God always has a better plan for you.

Life is all about moving on, accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete.

Bridget Menezes is the author of Second Edition of SelfEmpowe­rment and Spiritual Counsellor. Readers can email her at lifestyle.bridget@thesundail­y. com.

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