The Sun (Malaysia)

Don’t be shy, there’s no harm trying


Best piece of advice you ever got on your career. Ideas are nobody’s monopoly. Think big, think fast, think ahead.

Most-admired business leader? Why? Steve Jobs for constantly reinventin­g himself and his baby, Apple.

How do you stay abreast of issues affecting your industry? I read a lot.

If you could have an hour with any thought leader in the world, who would it be and why? Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as I would like to brief him on the continuing importance of the internet economy and explain to him how important it is for the government to continue to support the technology industry.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced ? And what did you learn from it? I had a stroke eight years ago. Recovering from the stroke while doing an IPO for the company I founded was difficult. I learnt that sometimes you have to take it as it comes and don’t rush into things. Also, listening to your heart is more important than listening to people.

What was the most outlandish business proposal you have ever heard of? I have seen so many crazy investment proposals that I have lost count and don’t remember most of them.

What man-made innovation confounds you? Why? The smartphone. It’s amazing that something that fits in the palm of your hand can do so many amazing things.

Malaysia’s greatest brand. Grab. They have truly built a great company within a short time. I am sure that they will become a phenomenal success and highly profitable in the future.

A must-read for every business owner/manager is ... The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

How do you expect policies on climate change to impact businesses in the future? I believe the automative industry will change substantia­lly in the future.

What are the top three factors you would attribute your success to? Passion, hard work and luck.

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