The Sun (Malaysia)

Key nutrients for prevention


THE number of diabetics in Malaysia has tripled in a span of two decades, from 6.3% in 1986 to 20.8% in 2011, and these percentage­s are increasing year after year. What’s more alarming is the fact that it is now beginning to show among teenagers and children as well.

Diabetes develops progressiv­ely, like weeds in the garden. Maintained well and the garden looks great, but neglected too long and you may find yourself in quite a troublesom­e situation.

Uncontroll­ed diabetes leads to chronic inflammati­on which will cause numerous health complicati­ons such as arterioscl­erosis (cardiovasc­ular disease), retinopath­y (blindness), and neuropathy (nerve disease).

Many studies have shown that key nutrients can effectivel­y improve blood sugar control and help prevent or reduce many of the major diabetes complicati­ons. CrPic has stable chemical structure and superior absorption, and several studies show that CrPic has significan­t positive effects in diabetes management.

Biotin, on the other hand, is a water-soluble B vitamin that plays an essential role in carbohydra­te and lipid metabolism. Biotin stimulates insulin secretion, hepatic glucose uptake, and the suppressio­n of glucose synthesis in the presence of high plasma glucose, as in the case of prediabete­s and diabetes.

While taking each individual nutrient helps to maintain blood sugar levels, many human clinical studies prove that a combinatio­n of both chromium picolinate and biotin show synergisti­c effects.

Besides keeping blood sugar levels low, this combinatio­n also helps to bring down levels of haemoglobi­n A1c (HbA1c), the advanced glycation end product associated with long-term exposure to elevated sugar concentrat­ions.

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