The Sun (Malaysia)

Correct severe short sightednes­s with implantabl­e contact lens


THERE is always that one moment for any shortsight­ed person where they experience some ‘glasses- or contact lens-related’ stress or panic. Such as when their contacts fall off when driving home late at night, or when they are woken up by loud noises but can’t find their glasses to see what’s going on.

“Every patient has one moment in their life when they realise that they have to get their eyes fixed. It can be due to an accident, an important day in their life, or it could be for their career,” says Dr Calvin Lim, consultant ophthalmol­ogist at VISTA Eye Specialist.

Laser surgeries such as LASIK are often considered the only solution available, but often have to consider various factors such as cornea health and thickness, dry eyes or power limitation­s.

Despite the different variations of laser technologi­es available – some can solve certain limitation­s – the same problems exist. Any procedure involving the removal of tissue results in dryness, a longer healing period and higher risks.



Contact Lens), now implanted in over one million eyes worldwide – is designed to be safely and quickly inserted behind the patient’s iris and in front of their natural lens.

It is made of materials that are biocompati­ble with the eye, and is able to help patients restore their vision much like a normal contact lens, without the hassles and concerns associated with cornea procedures.

Lim explains: “It’s not new, but it has always been seen as the ‘backup plan’ when a patient is not eligible for other more known corrective surgeries. However, it should be seen as one of the leading options instead, given the speed of recovery, the HD-like vision and, most importantl­y, nothing is removed.”

He added: “As the ICL procedure does not require any cornea tissue removal from the surface or from within, this means that it does not cause dry eyes. Subsequent­ly, this also means a shorter recovery period. Some of our patients even drove themselves here for their one-day post-op appointmen­t!

“ICL surgery can also correct up to -20.0 diopters. In layman’s terms, it has a wide range of power correction so even if your eye power is 2,000 degrees, the ICL is able to correct it, regardless of your cornea thickness.”

A permanent yet reversible procedure – meaning the lens can be easily removed and the eyes return to their previous condition – this ICL does not affect any future treatments such as a cataract surgery, while cornea laser surgeries makes future surgery a bit more complicate­d, requiring an experience­d surgeon with the right equipment.

“ICL is one of the safest surgeries in the world – much like a cataract surgery done on the elderly, except again, nothing is removed, just added,” shared Lim. “I have not yet met a patient who wanted the ICL removed. Patients are more than satisfied with the procedure, and ready for a life of freedom

and choices.”

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