The Sun (Malaysia)

Indonesia files WTO lawsuit against EU over palm oil


JAKARTA: Indonesia has filed a World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) lawsuit against the European Union (EU) over plans to phase out palm oil-based biofuel for cars, the trade ministry said.

The action could escalate a trade dispute between Indonesia – the world’s top palm oil producer – and the EU, which plans to end its use of biofuels by 2030, citing concerns over widespread deforestat­ion caused by the sector.

The EU earlier imposed duties on imports of subsidised biodiesel from Indonesia saying it was needed to level the playing field for its producers.

In response to what it called “discrimina­tive” policies against its key palm oil exports, Indonesia said it filed a complaint with the WTO last week.

“Indonesia officially sent a request for consultati­on on December 9, 2019 to the EU as the initial step for the lawsuit,” Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto said in a statement on Sunday.

Malaysia, the world’s second-biggest palm oil producer, has also threatened WTO action against the EU.

Teresa Kok, the minister overseeing Malaysia’s palm oil sector, told AFP yesterday that she will head to Europe in March, and a challenge will not be filed until after then.

She said she wanted to try to convince EU officials to change course on her trip. “I want to give my trip a chance and see whether I can avoid filing the case at the WTO.”

Palm oil is the world’s most widely used vegetable oil and a key ingredient in a wide range of products from food to cosmetics.

But environmen­talists say it drives deforestat­ion, with huge swathes of Southeast Asian rainforest logged in recent decades to make way for palm plantation­s.

Iman Pambagyo, Indonesia’s director general for internatio­nal trade negotiatio­ns, said Jakarta had previously tried other bilateral avenues to reach an agreement, without success.

“We need to assert Indonesia’s stance on EU policy,” Pambagyo said, adding that he hoped for a “best solution”. – AFP

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