The Sun (Malaysia)

No place for conspirato­rs in new Cabinet


GEORGE TOWN: Parti Amanah Nasional vicepresid­ent Datuk Paduka Husam Musa has asked that interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad not to incorporat­e the conspirato­rs behind the apparent “coup d’état” into his new Cabinet line-up.

Certain quarters had moved on Sunday to orchestrat­e what is seen as a move to destablise the Pakatan Harapan federal government, comprising PKR, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), Parti Amanah Nasional and DAP, by replacing it with a coalition of Barisan Nasional (BN), PAS and former PH leaders.

PPBM had withdrew from PH on the same day although its decision to join the BN-led coalition is said to be uncertain.

Husam said the move, which is akin to a coup, must be condemned.

He said by resisting the conspirato­rs’ lobbying to be included in the new Cabinet, Mahathir will send a strong message that the backdoor approach to power cannot be condoned, especially if it involves politician­s linked to corruption allegation­s.

Husam said this in reference to the possible formation of a national government following the current stalemate in which PPBM withdrew from Pakatan, together with nine PKR elected representa­tives led by the party’s former deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

Meanwhile, Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) rejects all attempts by any quarter to form a government through the “backdoor” approach.

The watchdog also strongly opposes any move to include Umno in the new Cabinet.

“It must be remembered the people voted in the PH government on the basis of rejecting the previous corrupted regime.

“Therefore, any attempt by the previous regime and current opposition to form a government with corrupted crooks and by bypassing the voters is an act of treachery that must be opposed strongly and fiercely.”

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