The Sun (Malaysia)

The Warehouse


Author: Rob Hart Publisher: Bantam Press ISBN: 9781787631­250

WITH online shopping increasing in popularity, The Warehouse will definitely strike a cord with readers. It shows the heights that online shopping can reach – but at what cost?

The story begins with a message from the founder of Cloud, an online shopping facility that has taken over the world. When gun violence, climate change and unemployme­nt destroyed the United States, the Cloud system created by Gibson Wells – which he built from scratch – branded itself not just as an online storefront, but as a global saviour.

His objective was to build a better world, to sell things as cheaply as possible and to make a difference in people’s lives. By using drones to deliver goods, he cut down the carbon imprint. In fact, he intended for Cloud to be carbon negative.

Soon the Cloud took over grocery stores, farming operations, media outlets, internet providers and cell phone companies … People were told it would mean better prices, because Cloud ‘cares about the customer’. That they are family.

After an incident known as the Black Friday Massacre, people became afraid to leave their houses. Everything was controlled by Cloud. The only notable jobs are with Cloud.

Now, Cloud’s ageing founder

Wells is dying, and some changes will be imminent at his company.

Enter Paxton, whose life was ruined by Cloud, and who is forced to work for the establishm­ent. Then there’s Zinnia, who fills him with hope for a better future together.

As Paxton and Zinnia’s agendas place them on a collision course, they are about to learn what Cloud is really about.

The reader will also get to hear Wells’ own version of Cloud’s history, in the form of messages he is releasing during his final days.

An intriguing look at a possible outcome of online shopping. Good or bad, you may judge for yourself.

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