The Sun (Malaysia)

Be compassion­ate towards security guards


THE Associatio­n for Community and Dialogue joins voices with civil society in condemning the action of a man seen assaulting a Nepali security guard.

While no one at this juncture knows the identity of the individual who committed the violent act or the exact cause of the incident, the violent act shows a deeper malaise of how certain segment of society is treated.

Security guards face various risks since they at times need to be firm on carrying out procedures related to the management of logistics, dealing with unscrupulo­us and rude drivers, protecting apartments and hotels from theft and vandalism.

The Nepalese guards, who are foreigners, are naturally vulnerable due to the lack of support structure and protection in case there is violent behaviour.

The current RMCO period, where temperatur­e testing and writing of details have become a standard SOP, has made life challengin­g for security workers since they have to put up with egoistic visitors and guests, and those who tends to hurry to their destinatio­ns without adhering to SOPs.

I witnessed a Datuk’s driver demanding parking space at a hotel in a rude manner even though no prior booking was made.

Some of those who follow certain elites act in an unscrupulo­us manner, believing that a minister or Datuk would protect them.

Therefore, it’s time that there is a sense of compassion and understand­ing of the role of security guards.

It is hoped that the authoritie­s would take firm action against the individual who abused the Nepali security guard.

The elites, whatever their background, should behave humbly and in solidarity with the weakest members of society.

They need to follow SOPs and show exemplary behaviour.

Ronald Benjamin

Secretary Associatio­n for Community and


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