The Sun (Malaysia)

Making the perfect cup of green tea


WATER temperatur­e, brewing time and the right amount of tea are the three main factors standing between you and a perfect cup of green tea. Kyra Schaper, from the German Tea and Herbal Tea Associatio­n, says that temperatur­e is where most people mess up.

“With green tea, it’s important that the water has cooled down a little,“explains Schaper. “It’s somewhat more sensitive to high temperatur­es, and with water that’s not too hot – about 80 degrees Celsius – the taste experience becomes fuller,“the expert says.

If you don’t have a kettle that shows how hot your water is, boil fresh water and then let the kettle stand for about five minutes with the lid open. Then the water is ready to be poured into the cup.

One tea bag, or a heaping teaspoon of loose tea, is enough for about 200mm of water. Then let the tea brew for one to three minutes.

With loose tea leaves, you can continue using the same leaves up to three times, meaning you can add more water to the cup after you’ve finished. “I always let it steep a little longer the third time around,“says Schaper, who adds: “But that’s a matter of taste.”

If allowed to steep too long, the tea’s tannins will dissolve at once, making it taste more intense or even bitter. Often the tea manufactur­er will include instructio­ns about tea quantity, brewing time and temperatur­e. “There are so many different types of tea in a variety of forms, so it’s best to check the package,“says Schaper. – dpa

 ??  ?? Green tea should not steep too long. One to three minutes is enough for a good cup.
Green tea should not steep too long. One to three minutes is enough for a good cup.

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