The Sun (Malaysia)

China to ban unvaccinat­ed adults from public places

Tough new rules unveiled for two dozen cities and counties


BEIJING: Millions of people in China face bans from public places including schools, hospitals and shopping malls unless they get a Covid-19 vaccine, under new edicts covering nearly two dozen cities and counties.

The coronaviru­s first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019, but since then the country has largely brought it under control – and Beijing is determined to keep it that way.

The tough new rules, which follow the emergence of the highly contagious Delta variant across Asia, will be imposed on numerous second-tier cities in a possible marker of what is to come for the whole country.

China has a national target of inoculatin­g 64% of its 1.4 billion population by end of the year, and new measures suggest high levels of coercion.

In Chuxiong city in the southern province of Yunnan – home to about 510,000 people – all residents above the age of 18 need to get at least one dose of the vaccine by July 23, according to a government notice posted on Wednesday.

Those who fail to meet the deadline “will not be allowed to enter public facilities including hospitals, nursing homes, kindergart­ens and schools, libraries, museums, and prisons or take public transport”, the notice said.

A month later, two shots will be required to enter public buildings.

Similar notices were issued by authoritie­s in at least a dozen cities and counties across the country, including six in eastern Jiangxi province, one in Sichuan, one in Gaungxi and three in Fujian province.

Many say they want to inoculate 70% to 80% of the local population by September – exceeding the national target.

Tianhe county in central Henan province threatened to stop paying wages to and dismiss any state employee not inoculated by July 20, according to an official notice issued on Monday.

At least a dozen places have stationed volunteers at government buildings, train stations and other busy public spaces to note down the names and contact informatio­n of those who are not vaccinated.

It is unclear whether this informatio­n is then shared with the local pandemic prevention task force.

The move has led to an online backlash.

“At first you (the government) said vaccinatio­n was voluntary, now you are forcing us!” wrote one angry user of China’s Twitter-like Weibo.

“I just got my second dose, but this new policy sounds like a royal decree. Disappoint­ed and disgusting!” complained another.

China’s success in quashing the Covid outbreak led to a low uptake when the vaccinatio­n campaign was launched last year, and officials have been using a series of incentives to ramp up inoculatio­n numbers.

China had administer­ed 1.4 billion vaccine doses as of Tuesday, the National Health Commission said, without specifying the number of people vaccinated.

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