The Sun (Malaysia)

A catalyst for positive change


ANDREAS Vogiatzaki­s is no stranger in Malaysian media and business circles. This highly influentia­l leader and motivator has made an incredible and indelible mark in organisati­ons, communitie­s and individual lives around the world. And now, he has detailed his captivatin­g life’s story, which has seen him traverse the far reaches of the globe, in his book, Courage at the Crossroads.

“Looking back at my life, I realised that that there are certain principles to be learned on leadership, on courage, on decisions you have to take when you come to a crossroad, which we all do in life,” says Vogiatzaki­s, who has helmed several notable organisati­ons in Malaysia including the Omnicon, Havas and Star Media Group.

“It takes a certain level of courage to navigate these crossroads. And these learnings weren’t from textbooks or manuals. What I learned, I learned from my own screw-ups, my failures and my successes – it’s a whole package. And that is essentiall­y what got me starting to think about writing on the book. I thought that if I can positively affect even one person’s life with this book, then to me, it’s a job well done – it would be definitely worth every effort to sit down and write it.”

Courage at the Crossroads is available in Amazon, IngramSpar­k and IHUB on a global scale, as well as all major bookstores in Malaysia as soon as the lockdown is over. You can also buy the book at

 ??  ?? The book will be available at all major bookstores.
The book will be available at all major bookstores.
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